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The Scene Depicted The Monment

Posted on:2019-07-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548487622Subject:Fine arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Life is made up of all kinds of details,always enriching the joy,sorrow and joy,with the most true,without any modification,and this small fragment is made up of hundreds of moments to remember.In the?Laocoon?,Gotthold Ephraim Lessing said: "painting in its parallel layout can only use an instant in the movement,so it should choose the most abundant instant,from this instant it is best to understand the later and the first instant." This instant includes both past and future.Painting can only reproduce a moment in the scene,so it is necessary to choose the most vivid and typical moment,and the moment of each painting tells a story,that is,"a complete story can be told with a static picture".From the point of the moment,this article is divided into three chapters.The first chapter is my understanding of t he meaning of the moment,and the two is the analysis of the visual effects of the instantaneous situation.The main is to explain the static and emotional extension of the art istic image of the instantaneous scene,and the three is to talk about his own works.A picture of a moment.This ch apter is divided into two small chapters,one is to discuss the emotional source of personal creation with emotion,and the two is to start with the form of shape.Through the study of how to better and ingeniously capture the moment,it arranges the characters' moment image,the spirit,the movement and the picture balance,the picture atmosphere rend ering,in understanding people's life state and sex.At the same time,gat captured the scene picture at the same tim e,at the same time collecting the relevant information and drawing on the excellent works of the master of art,furt her deepened my deep exploration of the instant scene of li fe,in order to achieve the most expressive ideas in the c reation of different themes through these explorations,with vivid plot and interest.The appearance of the picture and the presentation of the typical moments allow each piece of work to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people,fu ll of the power to move the viewer,and to express the ex perience of life and the understanding of life in his own unique perspective.
Keywords/Search Tags:instantaneous scene, describe, Stillness and ductility, creation
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