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Book Of Changes And Composing-also With John Cage's Accidental Music Works

Posted on:2019-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M R ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548464018Subject:School of music and dance
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“Li Shutong,the cultural gifted scholar of Jinyibanshi,finally became a mage.The half-baked master pianist Liszt eventually joined the priest as a priest.He who was poor and “out” was shunned by mediocrity and scolded him for escaping;The “entry” is we are adoring its extraordinary,obedient to its boldness...The rich and the poor are the yin and yang,the poverty is the yin,the rich is the yang,the poor look at the will,and the rich look the virtue.It can be called a perfect life.The first to be rich and the poor are tragedies.The poor and the rich first are comedies,while the rich are mostly farce."The doctrine of the yin and yang elements is the theoretical foundation for ancient Chinese philosophers to discover the origins of all things by observing the universe.They believe that within any matter,there are two forces that are mutually antagonistic and mutually unified,and that is the change and development of all things.The motivation of the Five Elements Theory is mainly based on the theory of all-in-oneness to illustrate the power of all things involved in the process of changes in the process of interaction and containment,as well as the relatively stable state of change.The above example is a concrete manifestation of the unity of yin and yang.Looking specifically at the music art,the music therapy of the yin and yang elements is the typical representative of the unity of yin and yang.For example: The “Palace” sounds peaceful and majestic,solemn and generous,with the characteristics of soil,and the spleen corresponding to the five internal organs;“Shang” sounds pure and solemn,with gold characteristics,and the lungs correspond;“Angular” sounds vibrant and prosperous.There are wood characteristics,and the liver corresponds;"Sign" sound warm and cheerful,there are fire characteristics,and the heart of the corresponding;"feather" sound Wanzhuan melodious,transparent,with water characteristics,and kidney counterparts.The works created according to the theoretical system of Yin-Yang and Five Elements have a good therapeutic effect on physical health in terms of auditory experience.In this respect,it can be said that it transcends the West and is at the forefront of the world.Through scientific testing and verification,through the traditional Chinese principles of yin and yang and the meridians of 12 meridians,coupled with the operation of yin and yang in music,Tai Chi enters the process of non-polarity and enhances the body's ability to self-heal.German philosopher Hegel said: "Chinese philosophy uses one as the origin of the entire universe." The author believes that this sentence has some truth.Why did ancient Chinese philosophers use "a" as the origin of the entire universe? This has to return to the source of Chinese culture,the I Ching.Further pushing forward,the source of the Book of Changes is Fuxi,the head of the Three Emperors.It is him: a painting opens the world;the establishment of yin and yang;three stresses three talents;four said five elements,five paintings gossip.For the first time,the Chinese have theoretically put forward the theory that the five elements are consistent with one another;they have created pictographic symbols expressing yin and yang from above.Through observation,it can be found that whether it is yin or yang,it happens to consist of "one." It was this sum that became the earliest symbol of China,the earliest writing,the earliest figure,the earliest philosophy,and the earliest thought.Therefore,combining the above points of view,with the analysis of the collected data,the author believes that the origin of Chinese philosophy does not begin with Confucius and Laozi,and the real source should start with Fuxi and start with the “Hetu”.This article mainly explains the composing theory with "Chinese characteristics",which is different from the West,included in the Book of Changes,as well as the comparative study of the composition of the "I Ching" composer and the twelve-tone composer.After systematically studying " I Ching",the author discovered that music and "I Ching" have some similarities and abilities.Music purifies the soul through a harmonious rhythm."I Ching" is actually a kind of harmony and balance,both of which have the same characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Book of Changes, Composer, Cages
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