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The Research Of The White Society Chiese Painting

Posted on:2019-04-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H S YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545990292Subject:Art theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The establishment of the white society Chinese painting research association should have a number of reasons,not only influenced by Japan,and the establishment of the white society can also form a mutual exchange of art,information exchange,group heating group,through the organization of the exhibition tour,expand the influence.When the white society was founded,its articles of association were relatively loose.,as the white society was an elite society,the membership of the white society was very strict.White society activities before and after a total of five years,respectively in Shanghai,Nanjing,Hangzhou and Suzhou,held four exhibitions,published two " white society painting collection",until the outbreak of the anti-Japanese war,white society dissolved automatically.In 1932,the white society start-up period,a total of five formal members,and then gradually joined the six members,so,white society during the five years,a total of 11 formal members to participate in.In addition to Liang Shu midway out,to 1936 held the fourth exhibition of white society,just reached ten formal members.Although,several main members of the white society zhuwenyun,Pan Tianshou and Wu Fuzhi,etc.,in the early has made very high artistic achievements,however,through the baptism of " white society" during that time,about to the late white society,their art is preliminary mature,gradually formed their own unique artistic appearance,therefore,to some extent,the establishment of the white society Chinese painting research association plays a key role.
Keywords/Search Tags:white society Chinese painting research, institute Shanghai Chinese painting group, eight strange people of Yangzhou, bada shiTao, art stage
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