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Creation And Construction Of My Graduation Concert Works

Posted on:2019-11-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y HuangFull Text:PDF
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The graduation concert is a demonstration of comprehensive practical achievements of three-year postgraduate study as well as a summary and test of the teaching achievements of teachers and students or the necessary practical experience before entering social work.A concert for a composer student is of great importance.It is not only a summary of their own learning outcomes,but also their own professional ability of the challenge.From the creation of works to concerts will be the process of learning.Such as graduation concert preparation,the actual performance of the scene and so on.Creation and Construction Of My Graduation Concert Works is a summary and experience of the whole process,the resulting harvest is very precious.Graduation concert works are mainly based on the creation background,creative ideas,technical analysis and other aspects of a complete work from scratch,from the overall concept to the specific creation of a comprehensive and multi-angle statement come out.And then looking for performer rehearsal performance,in which all the performers by our college undergraduates and graduate students,at the same time to modify the works inappropriate,from theory to practice,to further improve the work.The full text adopts the research methods such as observation,exploratory research and literature review,combined with my own understanding and personal experience in composition learning,to analyze my graduation concert works.The concert draws seven works,divided into two major categories of vocals and instrumental music.In the choice of tracks rich and varied,mainly in the creation of songs,vocal tracks involving the bel canto,ethnic,popular,children,military songs.Singing forms include solo,vocal,chorus.Instrumental music styles are also popular with the traditional ethnic groups,performing a variety of forms,in order to obtain better music and stage effects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Concerts, Works, Creative, Construction
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