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The Flowers Of The "Red Classics" Of The Soviet Union And The DPRK

Posted on:2019-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545962181Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fadeyev's masterpiece "The Young Guards"(1945)can be called as the milestone of Soviet Union literature history,and it's a significant novel in the history of world proletarian literature.The novel tells the heroic feat of the Soviet Union people in the anti-fascism war,and shapes the image of young heroes who emerged during the struggle of "Youth Guards",the underground organization of Krasnodon Communist Youth League,against the German Fascist occupation army,among whom there were five "young guard" headquarter Committee members awarded the highest honorary title of "Soviet Union Hero".The full-length novel "The Young Vanguards"(1962)is one of the excellent works on the subject of anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.Lin Chunqiu,the author,is a soldier who had experienced the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.The novel describes the revolutionary process and fearless heroic spirit and deed of Korean Youths who had struggled desperately in order to save the country in peril.The paper deeply analyses Fadeyev's "The Young Guards" and Lin Chunqiu' s"The Young Vanguards",focusing on the comparison of their historical backgrounds and social systems.Although there are differences between two novels' author,creation times and nationalities,we can understand the deep meaning of the two novel and the different characteristics between two countries through multilevel comparison.This paper consists of four chapters and mainly adopts the parallel research method of comparative literature.Chapter 1 illustrates the object of study,describes the status of prior studies,and discusses the research methods.Chapter 2 firstly explicates the concept of "Red classics" novel,and then describes the similarity and difference between Soviet Union's and Korean' s "Red classics".Chapter 3 summarizes the main ideas of the two novels and further understands the two works' characteristics by comparison.Chapter 4 inspects the character images of the two works from the perspectives of the guide and the revolutionary course of the heroes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fadeyev, Lin Chunqiu, The Young Guards, The Young Vanguards, Red Classics
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