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A Study Of Grammar Officials In Qin And Han Dynasties

Posted on:2019-09-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YaoFull Text:PDF
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The grammar collector is a kind of bureaucratic type formed with the establishment of the professional bureaucracy system since the Warring States period.The grammar collector originates from the system design of legalists,it is an important means of legalism to rule by law,and Hung in the political stage of Qin and Han dynasties,which occupies an important part in the administration of the Qin and Han Empire.From the angle of legal history,it is of great significance to further understand the judicial system of Qin and Han dynasties and the Confucian process of law to study the group of grammatical officials.At the same time,through the study of the origin,development,responsibility and characteristics of the grammatical officials in Qin and Han dynasties,we can also provide historical reference for our present judicial system.In this paper,"Sleeping tiger,Qin tomb bamboo Slips","two years of law" "play book","Live Yan Han Jane" and other unearthed documents,"Lord Shang book","Han Feizi" and other legalist works,as well as the"historical records","Han book","Han book" history as the basic basis.At the same time,on the premise of referring to relevant academic works,the author sums up the origins,development,functions,characteristics,status and influence of the grammatical officials in the Qin and Han dynasties.On this basis,the author further explores the contribution and evaluation of the grammatical officials,probes into the reasons for the decline of the grammatical officials and sums up the experiences and lessons.This paper points out that the grammar collectors in Qin and Han dynasties are rising with the appearance and development of the professional bureaucratic stratum,and the specific system design originates from legalists.In the Government of Qin and Han dynasties,the grammar collectors are shouldering the administrative legislative,judicial and other responsibilities,in a long period of time,the grammar collector has been in the Qin and Han politics has a pivotal position,and the ancient Chinese law has a great impact,from the opposite direction to promote the ancient Chinese law of Confucianism.The grammar collectors are pure technocrats,not political ambitions,and are known for being obedient and obedient.The grammar collector has made great contribution to the flourishing of Qin and Han dynasties with his strong professional skill,but because of its own flaw,the grammar collector also has all sorts of bad performance in the Qin and Han politics,and even endangers the imperial rule.In the end,the grammar collectors are declining because of their own defects and the change of the Han Empire's ruling thought.In addition to the introduction and conclusion,this text is composed of five parts:The first part of this paper mainly introduces the concept of the grammar collectors in Qin and Han dynasties,as well as the formation and development of the grammar collectors.This group of grammar collectors is the result of the emergence and development of the professional bureaucracy,and the grammar collectors are designed by the Legalist system and finally realized in the Qin Dynasty.In the Han Dynasty,the grammar collectors were still being reused.In the Qin and Han dynasties,the grammar collectors have become a huge professional bureaucratic group.The second part of this paper introduces the functions and characteristics of the grammar collectors in Qin and Han dynasties.The duties of the grammar officials mainly include legislation,judicial,legal propaganda and administrative affairs.The grammar collectors have good professional attainments,they have a higher cultural level and can read and write skillfully.The grammar collector is the legal expert,they are proficient in the law,the proficiency grasps the legal document the writing,simultaneously is familiar with the job,the profession is correct,the work ability is strong.The grammar collector is the pure technical bureaucrat,all thought,the behavior is the sovereign's interest and the will as the standard,they do not have own thought,the personality more cannot maintain the independence.It is according to the monarch's will executes the decree the Political tool.The grammar collector has no political ideals,lacks political ideas and is a purely instrumental political machine.The third part introduces the status and influence of the grammar collectors.The grammar collectors have high political status in the political arena of Qin and Han dynasties,and the political Chinese law collectors in Qin and Han dynasties are reused.The grammar officials cannot take the law seriously,the law becomes the tool which they use to crush the populace,pleases the ruler,this certainly causes the law to play a negative role in Chinese culture.The harshness of the law enforcement of the grammar officials promoted the Confucian reform of the legal prison in the Han Dynasty in the opposite direction,which made it more accord with the requirement of human nature and promoted the Confucian process of Chinese law.The group of the grammatical officials in the Qin and Han dynasties played a pivotal role in the legislation and judicial activities at that time,enriched and perfected the legal system of ancient China in a certain extent,and promoted the progress of the legal level in ancient China.The Forth part introduces the contribution and evaluation of the grammar officials in Qin and Han dynasties.The grammatical officials successfully undertook the need of Qin government and consolidating the political power and played an important role in maintaining the centralization and restraining the power of the princes and the local government in the Han Dynasty,and contributed to the national reunification and national development.The grammar collectors could not restrain the emperor's abuse of power but helped the monarch to amass resources and exploit the people.The grammar collectors in the Han Dynasty had almost everything to do with the monarch's momentary intention in law enforcement,and the law became a tool for them to please the king.The Hung of the grammar collectors in the Qin and Han dynasties is in fact the one-sided development of the autocratic bureaucracy and the penal system.Such a system is not a balanced and adaptable one,nor is it sufficient to adjust the relationships of all sectors of society over the long term.Part five introduces the decline of the grammar collectors in Qin and Han dynasties and their experiences and lessons.After the Han Dynasty alone revered Confucianism,Confucian scholars boarded the political arena.The Confucian scholar Group tries to standardize the monarch's behavior by Confucianism,while advocating "benevolence and righteousness" in the administration,emphasizing the role of moral education.With the lapse of time,the upper bureaucracy is gradually occupied by the Confucian scholar of"The practice of the Ming Dynasty",and it is very difficult for the simple grammar collectors to promote themselves to the high level purely by virtue of their professional knowledge.At the same time,a large number of bureaucrats and local haozu of the children into the study of Confucian classics,in order to obtain the throne,the development of the grammar of the space is gradually compressed,gradually humble,and eventually reduced to the local small officials' stratum.The bureaucratic group of grammatical officials has its own lack of belief,inability to carry out the ritual,the sale of rape and off-key,and so on,which is the intrinsic reason for its decline.As a legal person,we should draw lessons from the grammar collectors,take history as a guide,further improve the ability of law enforcement,strive to achieve fairness and justice,and dedicate ourselves to the development of socialist rule of law.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qin han, grammar collectors, influence, evaluation, decline
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