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Study On The Tension Of Image Expression Driven By "Highway"

Posted on:2019-05-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545480715Subject:Radio and Television
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The research on the tension of image expression driven by "highway" is to study how the road image can obtain the tension,and how the "highway" can promote the depth and width of the expressional expression of the highway.The tension of highway image expression comes from three aspects: the tension of plot,the tension of narration and the tension of social culture.The "plot tension" of the road image is derived from the touching and thinking mind,a pleasurable and exciting sensory stimulation,as well as the suspense and the unknown psychological expectation.In other words,it is from the "pleasure".The "narrative tension" of road image originates from the spatial narration,namely,the construction of space production and the process of constantly changing of the conflicts,which also acquires a spatial cognitive order.The tension of social culture originates from people's reflection and questioning and the tolerance of culture.The source and generation mechanism of these three types of tension are different,but they complement each other to form the tension study of road image expression.In addition,it is important to note that the three kinds of tension are all from highway.Therefore,in some extent,road is a prerequisite for tension.According to the source of highway image tension,this paper is divided into four chapters: In chapter one,the "plot tension" is obtained through the road;In chapter two,promoting the narration and obtaining the "narrative tension" through the "special space" of the highway;In chapter three,the "social and cultural tension" is obtained through the highway;The last chapter is about the personal work "truck driver".The first three chapters focus on the source of highway image tension and its generation and operation mechanism.The last chapter is based on the concrete analysis and discussion of my personal work "truck driver".The key to highway image source of tension is that the hero image most of the time always in a "rogue state" on the highway,and break through the restrictions "homeless" on road of struggle and hard work.
Keywords/Search Tags:tension, specific space of highway, spatial experience, reflective questioning
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