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The Study Of Iwasa Shige's Theory Of Environmental Ethics

Posted on:2019-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C CaiFull Text:PDF
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As a famous Japanese environmentalist,Iwasa Shige analyzed the global ecological problem deeply,and deeply analyzed the essence of the capital logic behind the ecological crisis.After the Second World War,with the economic recovery and development brought about by serious environmental and public hazards,the focus of attention has gradually shifted to the ecological environment.In the face of this increasingly serious global problem,as a Marx scholar Iwasa Shige,his ecological sense and sense of social responsibility are becoming more and more intense.On the basis of studying Marx's philosophy for many years,combined with the reality of Japanese society and drawing lessons from other eco Marx scholars' viewpoints,Iwasa Shige has made a unique thinking about the ecological environment problems and formed his ideology system of ecological environment.In this paper,Iwasa Shige's environmental ethics is analyzed with the analytical method of dialectical materialism and historical materialism.Mainly discusses the main contents of the formation of Iwasa Shige's concept of environmental ethics and social background of Iwasa Shige of environmental ethics,and then analyzes the theory system of Iwasa Shige theory of environmental ethics,focuses on the interpretation of Iwasa Shige Marx,for the environmental ethics of Iwasa Shige Engels for the interpretation of the idea of environmental protection,and to refute Marx's Thoughts on environmental ethics question,further analysis of environmental ethics with rock of Mao,the ethical transformation mainly includes social criticism method,Iwasa Shige of the environmental ethics and environmental protection,the environmental ethics of Iwasa Shige,mainly from the main contribution he thought of environmental ethics to analyze the limitations of Iwasa Shige's theory of environmental ethics,then analyses its important construction significance under the background of harmonious society in china.
Keywords/Search Tags:Iwasa Shige, environmental ethics, ecological environment, Marx doctrine
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