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Study Of Juvenile Delinquency In British Industrial City In The 19th Century

Posted on:2019-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y MaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545451095Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The issue of juvenile delinquency was one of the many social issues during the social transformation of British society in the 19 th century.Especially in many industrial cities such as London the frequency of this problem is extremely high.At the beginning of solving this problem,Britain was stuck with the laws which it had been using.It imposed the same severe punishments on minors and adults,but failed to reduce the rate of juvenile delinquency.Instead,there was a tendency towards more juvenile delinquency.This situation which aroused the attention of all walks of life in the British society.With the investigations of many philanthropists,social activists and politicians,people found that the causes of juvenile delinquency were manifold,including family,education,social environment.In response to these causes of juvenile delinquency,in the industrial cities such as London,non-governmental charitable organizations and government departments had made corresponding countermeasures,including exposing through the media to make people understand the survival environment of minors,setting up interrogation agencies specifically targeting at minors,improving their living environment,establishing schools to enrich their knowledge and skills,and the education legislation guarantee the right of minors to education.The implementation of these measures have had a very significant and far-reaching impact on the reduction of juvenile delinquency.
Keywords/Search Tags:British, London, Industrial city, Juvenile, Crime
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