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A Research On Aristotle's Continence

Posted on:2018-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330518958913Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the beginning of the "Ethika Nikomachea",when talking about continence,it stresses the point that:" The undesirable of moral character are three in number,viz.vice,incontinence,brutality." In the case of two of these it is plain what the opposite is:virtue is the name we give to the opposite of vice,and continence to the opposite of incontinence.According the definition of Aristotle,between virtue and vice,continence which is a quality gets closer by virtue but further away from vice.Aristotle discusses the problems of the continence by his Ethical Philosophy,and he thinks continence is a good quality,which is opposite to incontinence which is a bad quality.In terms of desire,continent man and incontinent man both have it.But continent man can obey nous when he do something,and perseveres in the right choice.Incontinent man can't obey nous,when he face to desire,he will comply with desire blindly.Aristotle works out the problem that how we can make continence come true by Socrates,and emphasizes that right logos,the nous of human and continence have active relations.Human can achieve good qualities,temperance and virtue through persevering in continence.This paper expounds continence of Aristotle,mainly through the context of continence,main of continent content,the relation of continence with the other qualities,the value of continence and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aristotle, Continence, Incontinence, Virtue, Temperance
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