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Comparison Between Lanzhou And Sudan Wedding Ceremonies

Posted on:2018-12-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y S A L M A S A L I H Full Text:PDF
GTID:2405330515495782Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the seventh Century ad,Islam and Islamic culture spread to China through the silk road,at the process of Intermarriage between Chines and Arabs,the Arabs draw some chines traditional cultures.Some of Chines minorities were influenced by the Islamic culture,also inherited the ritual of Islam.At the same time Islam was introduced into Sudan by Arabs,and intermarriage with the people of Sultan,Since then,Islam began to spread in the northern Sudan,and gradually affect the lives of Sudanese people.In addition to the affect of religious activities Islam also obviously affected their everyday activities and their lives,even in weeding ceremony,Islam has a great affect in Lanzhou muslims and Sudanese people But at the same time,their wedding ceremony and not all practices of Islamic culture,there are some rituals and practices have pure Chinese culture features and some ceremonies have pure Sudanese culture features.Based on the investigation of the Sudanese Wedding and the Lanzhou muslims wedding the author uses the methods of interview,literature and such data collection method the author analyze two ethnics(Lanzhou Muslims and Sudanese people)wedding ceremoniesThis paper consists of five chapters.The first chapter is the introduction,which introduces the reason of the selected topic,the purpose and significance of the research,the content and the research methods.The second chapter is a detailed discussion of the wedding ceremony in Sudan,every stage of the ceremony.The third chapter introduces the prenuptial rites of Lanzhou Muslims.The fourth chapter divided into two sections.The first section discusses the Islamic culture and localization of the wedding in Sudan.The second section analyzes the Islamic culture and the Chinese traditional culture in Lanzhou Muslims wedding,and comparion between Sudan Khartoum and China Lanzhou Muslim wedding.The fifth chapter is the conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wedding ceremony, Sudan, Lanzhou Muslim, comparison, Cultural difference
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