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The Effect Of Sickle Cell Disease On Children's Academic Performance

Posted on:2020-02-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L M W A K A M U L E N G A Full Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Patients with sickle cell disease are a vulnerable group in society,but they still have the right to accept fair education.Therefore,the research on the academics of sickle cell disease needs to be carried out in depth.In this paper,a survey of 208 students was collected using a survey method,of which 108 were sickle cell disease patients.The purpose of this paper is to reveal the predicament of the survival of sickle cell disease students in Lusaka,Zambia,and to explore the factors that influence the academic performance of students with sickle cell disease.The results of the analysis showed that students with sickle cell disease were treated differently in terms of interpersonal communication,and received less social support,and the general physical condition of the patients was poor,but the participation in extracurricular activities was higher,and the results also showed that the type of help provided by the peer group can significantly affect the academic performance of the sick student,but the impact of social support and physical condition is not significant.Therefore,the author suggests that the city of Lusaka should give assistance to the group in three aspects.First of all,the government must at least ensure the right to fair education for patients with sickle cell disease from the institution,and actively implement it.Second,the society should give more targeted help to patients with sickle cell disease.Finally,Schools should give more support to patients with sickle cell disease.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sickle cell disease, Academic achievement, Influencing factors, Survival challenge
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