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Tuina Therapy To Treat Insomnia For The Past 10 Years:Literature Excavation And Analysis

Posted on:2021-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X S a s i p h a t A i t Full Text:PDF
GTID:2404330614959036Subject:Acupuncture and Massage
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:This study analyzed the relevant literature concerning insomnia,observed insomnia from Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)perspective,tuina treatment method,acupoint regularity,meridian tropism and curative effect of insomnia.Moreover,focused on the study of insomnia as an important relevant information,summarized tuina treatment methods and acupoint selection to treat insomnia,and analysis of the clinical characteristics of tuina.In order to provide a scientific basis for the effective treatment of insomnia,better play out the tuina techniques and present the advantages of acupoint stimulation in treating insomnia,yet provide better clinical services.Through this research method,it is possible to combine traditional medicine from home and China's TCM in clinical practice to conduct a correlated research;to serve the health of all mankind.Methods:Literature analysis: In this study,database retrieval and manual retrieval were used,Literature data mining and analysis were carried out on Chinese databases such as CNKI,CMB,WF,VIP and foreign language databases including Cochrane Libary,Pubmed,Thai Journal(Thai Jo)TCI.The Chinese keywords "insomnia","insomnia(in terms of TCM)","falling asleep and sleep maintenance disorders","somnipathy","neurosis" and "primary insomnia" were identified as the key words.The intervention measures keywords "Tuina","Tuina techniques","Tuina therapy","massage","clinical","clinical research" and others were searched on Chinese database such as CNKI.The terms that were searched in English were “insomnia”,“sleeplessness”,“sleep disorder”,“wakefulness”,“sleep disturbance”,“dyssomnia”,“hyposomnia”,“Transint insomnia”,“Short-trem insomnia”,“Long-term insomnia”,“Tuina”,“Tuina manipulation”,“Tuina therapy”,“Anmo”,“clinical research” and the terms that were searched in Thai were“(?)”?“(?)”?“(?)”?“(?)”?“(?)”?“(?)”;all searches were restricted to a certain time period: January of 2008 to September of 2018.In addition,develop a search strategy to determine the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria for data filtering by using Microsoft Excel 2010;data entry included publication date,author,gender,age,onset time,acupoint,meridian,techniques,treatment method,treatment time,treatment frequency and course of treatment,curative effect,and other contents,which then established an original database.SPSS23.0 software was used to conduct statistical analysis on tuina techniques,acupoints,frequency,meridians,positions,specific acupoints and syndrome types.Combine the use of SPSS 23.0 with Apriori algorithm and SPSS Clementine12.0 software to formulate association rules,find out the relationship between tuina techniques and acupoints,relationship between all acupoints,relationship between all meridians,etc.,and to summarize the compatibility of common clinical treatment techniques with acupoints within the literature found.Result:1)460 articles related with massage therapy for insomnia,105 articles are included in inclusion criteria and 18 types of common massage techniques related.Common massage techniques 572 times used.Top 5 most used techniques are press method 92 times,kneading method 92 times,press method 51 times,pushing method50 times,and picking method 45 times.The combination of Tui Na massage therapy for insomnia are pressing method with kneading method,pressing method with pressing method and kneading method,pushing method with kneading method,sweeping method with Yi Zhi Can pushing method,picking method,pressing method,kneading method,etc.2)Correlation analysis of special massage techniques included 22 types of special Tui Na massage techniques with 316 times.Top 5 most used techniques are head-face area massage 81 times,back area massage 65 times,abdominal area massage 39 times,three-layer massage 29 times,and open heaven gate method 28 times.Combination of special massage techniques for insomnia included head-facearea massage with back area massage,abdominal area massage with three-layer massage,back area massage,head-face area massage,three-layer massage with abdominal area massage,back area massage,head-face area massage,etc.3)Correlation analysis of acupoints included 76 acupoints and Tui Na massage due to acupoints are 1246 times.Top 5 most used acupoints are Yin Tang 68 times,Bai Hui 65 times,Tai Yang 58 times,Shen Ting 57 times,and Xin Shu 47 times.The combination of acupoints most used are Tai Yang with Yin Tang,Shen Ting with Yin Tang,Pi Shu with Xin Shu,Shen Shu with Xin Shu,Gan Shu with Xin Shu,Wei Shu with Pi Shu and Xin Shu,Chuan Zhu with Yin Tang,Yu Yao with Yin Tang,etc.4)Meridian analysis shows that the top 3 are 397 bladder meridians of the foot sun,160 gallbladder meridians of the foot,and 57 stomach meridians of the foot yang;the top 3 are the 18 bladder meridians of the foot bladder meridian and the 12 points of the gallbladder meridian of the foot shouyang.The 7 points of the stomach meridian of the foot Yangming;the analysis of the meridian compatibility is the Shaoyang gallbladder meridian of the foot sun bladder meridian;the stomach meridian of the foot Yangming bladder meridian of the foot sun,the gallbladder meridian of the foot Shaoyang,etc.Correlation analysis of meridians top 3 most used of meridians are Foot Tai Yang Bladder meridian 397 times,Foot Shao Yang Gallbladder meridian 160 times and Foot Yang Ming Stomach meridian 57 times.The most acupoints used in meridian are Foot Tai Yang meridian 18 acupoints used,Foot Shao Yang Gallbladder meridian 12 acupoints and Foot Yang Ming Stomach meridian 7 acupoints,The combination of meridians used are Foot Shao Yang Gallbladder meridian with Foot Tai Yang bladder meridian,Foot Yang Ming Stomach meridian with Foot Tai Yang Bladder meridian and Foot Shao Yang Gallbladder meridian,etc.5)Correlation analysis of Qi Jing Ba Mai and specific acupoints,Top three most used is Back Shu points 314 times,Du meridian 230 times,and Yang Wei meridian150 times.The most acupoints used are Back Shu points 10 acupoints,Yang Wei meridians 9 acupoints,and Five Shu points 8 acupoints.Top 3 combination of Qi Jing Ba Mai and specific acupoints are extra acupoints with Du meridian,Yang Weimeridian with Du meridian,Back Shu meridian with Du meridian,etc.6)Correlation analysis of body parts acupoints,top 3 is head-face part acupoints527 times,back part acupoints 261 times and neck part acupoints 130 times.Acupoints used of each part,top 3 are head-face 25 acupoints,lower body 9 acupoints.Combination of body parts are head-face with back body,back body with head-face and neck-shoulder with head-face.7)Correlation analysis of Tui Na massage with other treatment,top 3 much combination are Tui Na massage with acupuncture treatment 23 articles,Tui Na massage with herbal treatment 8 articles,and Tui Na massage with ear needling treatment 6 articles.8)According to the statistical analysis of the literature on the TCM syndromes,the top 3 are 31 articles with heart and spleen deficiency,19 articles with heart and kidney failure,and 17 articles with liver fire disturbing heart.Through analysis top 3 most TCM syndrome are heart spleen deficiency 31 articles,heart kidney disorder 19 articles and liver fire disturb heart 17 articles.Conclusion:Through articles research and analysis Tui Na massage treatment usually combine with Tui Na massage,body part,acupoints,meridians,Qi Jing Ba Mai,and specific acupoints:1)The common Tui Na treatment used for insomnia were pressing,kneading,point-pressing,pushing,and picking.The combination Tui Na treatment are kneading with pressing method,point pressing with pressing and kneading method.Common special techniques are head-face Tui Na method,back body Tui Na method and abdominal Tui Na method.Head-face Tuina with back body Tui Na method,abdominal with three-part and back body Tui Na method.2)The commonly used acupoints were Yin Tang,Bai Hui and Tai Yang.The combination acupoints are Tai Yang with Yin Tang,Shen Ting with Yin Tang,Pi Shu with Xin Shu3)Commonly used meridians were Foot Tai Yang Bladder meridian,FootShao Yang Gallbladder meridian,Foot Yang Ming stomach meridian.The common compatibility of meridian are Foot Shaoyang Gallbladder meridian with Foot Tai Yang Bladder meridian,Foot Yang Ming Stomach meridian with Foot Tai Yang Bladder meridian and Foot Shao Yang Gallbladder meridian.4)Commonly used Qi Jing Ba Mai and specific acupoints were back-shu points,Du meridian and Yang Wei meridian.The combination of Qi Jing Ba Mai and specific acupoints are extra acupoints with Du meridian,Yang Wei meridian with Du meridian,and Back Shu acupoints with head-face part.5)Commonly used locations were head-face,back body,and neck.The common combination part of the body are head-face with back body part,back body part with head-face and lower back,neck-shoulder with head-face.6)Common TCM differentiations are Heart Spleen Deficiency,Heart Kidney disorder,Liver Fire disturb Heart.7)Trough article research and analysis,Kneading with pressing method,Press-kneading Yin Tang,Bai Hui,Tai Yang,Shen Ting,Xin Shu,Pi Shu,etc.acupoints have best effect on Heart Spleen deficiency insomnia.
Keywords/Search Tags:Insomnia, Tui Na, Articles research, Data analysis, combination, frequency
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