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The Objective Evaluation Of Cold And Heat Resistance In Feet Caused By Deficiency Of Cold And Heat In Lower Jiao

Posted on:2021-05-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2404330602992945Subject:Chinese medical science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Object:Applying the dynamic detection method of temperature and humidity sensors to evaluate the cold and heat resistance in feet,to provide a basis for the early differential diagnosis of cold and heat resistance in feet with normal people.Method:?This study is based on the fact that the feet are afraid of cold or heat,which may be aggravated or relieved.Therefore,after the foot adapts to a stable situation,the surrounding temperature is reduced by exposing the local area to create aggravating or mitigating conditions,and then observe the temperature changes curve.?Subject:Subjects were from Huai'an,a resident of Zhangjiakou City,Hebei Province,from November 2019 to January 2020.A total of 56 cases were observed.?Information collection:formulate the subject information collection form,collect basic information such as name,gender,age,height,weight,etc.,and ask whether the whole body feels cold or heat,and the symptoms related to cold and heat resistance in feet,and according to the collected information Subjects were grouped.?Grouping:The diagnostic criteria are formulated with reference to"Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnostics" and "Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Efficacy Standards".This study divided the subjects into three groups:Normal group:complaint that there is no obvious feeling of being afraid of cold or heat in the foot within six months,and the temperature of the foot is not easy to change with the change of external environmental temperature;Foot cold-resistant cold group:The main complaint is that the feet are afraid of cold or the feet are cold,which can be aggravated as the ambient temperature decreases,lasting for more than half a year;Foot heat-resistant group:The main complaint is that the feet become heat,which can be aggravated as the temperature rises,and can be reduced by touching cold objects,which lasts for more than half a year;?Detection instrument:This research uses a temperature and humidity sensor jointly developed by the research group and Sun Yat-sen University.The sampling frequency is 1 Hz.?Detection method:Detection site:2-4cm above the left ankle.Test conditions:Subjects wear comfortable clothing,no cold or heat feeling before the test,emotional stability,no intense exercise before measurement,take a sitting position;room temperature 18±1?,humidity 30%-50%,no significant air flow,affected The test environment is stable and quiet,and there is no cooling or heating object within 1m around the subject.The room temperature thermometer uses Komax electronic temperature and humidity meter.The measurement temperature range is-20? to 50?,the temperature measurement accuracy is 0.1?,the humidity range is 20%RH-99%RH,and the humidity measurement error is ±3%RH.?Detection time:before 9 am to 7 pm,and the last meal time should be greater than 1 hour.?Testing process:a.The tester informs the testee of the test content,test purpose,steps and precautions.The testee needs to take a seat during the test and keep quiet and emotionally stable;b.Install the temperature and humidity sensor in a special In the bag,attach the inner side of the temperature and humidity sensor with holes to the skin,and stick the two ends of the bag together to surround the calf to fix the sensor to the detection site;c.Press the center switch to turn on the sensor,and the mobile phone APP interface displays the corresponding instrument model,Click on the corresponding model to connect the instrument;d.Click the "Start recording" item,the recording status will display "Start recording",the interface will display the corresponding temperature and humidity data,and record the time;e.Cover the detection site with the subject's clothing,and the covered site should not be exposed.In the comfortable state of clothing coverage,continuous detection for 10-12 minutes(hereinafter referred to as "comfort period");f.When the detection is carried out for 10-12 minutes,the detection site is exposed,the exposed area is the width of the cloth bag,and the skin cannot be directly exposed to the air Record the exposure time;g.Continue to test for 5 minutes in the exposure state(hereinafter referred to as the "exposure period");h.After the detection time has expired,press the sensor switch,open the APP,connect the sensor,click "stop recording" to disconnect,remove the sensor,and inform the recipient The tester finished the test;1.Connect the sensor to the computer USB,open the serial port program software,click to select the serial port,open the serial port and press the sensor switch at the same time,click the confirmation module,click the transfer data,and the interface displays the number of characters accepted,recording status and transmission progress.When the transmission progress is 100%,click Save File to form an Excel file of temperature and humidity;j.Finally,erase the data in the instrument on the computer side to prepare for the next measurement.?Data processing and parameter extraction:a.Comfort period:collect the highest temperature(max),the first 60 data(ie the data of the minute before the highest temperature,max60)average temperature(maxl),max60 standard deviation(max2),max60 coefficient of variation(max3).Max1,max2,max3 are mainly used to analyze whether the temperature of the subjects in each group is different under steady conditions;b.Exposure period:the slope of temperature drop(V1)in the last 5 minutes,the standard deviation of temperature(V2)in the last 5 minutes,and the coefficient of variation(V3)in the last 5 minutes:mainly used to express the situation of the subject being stimulated by the external temperature drop In the case of temperature changes.?Statistical analysis:a.Chi-square test was used for the distribution of the sex of the subjects;after the normality test was performed on the age of the subjects,one-way analysis of variance or non-parametric test was used to detect the gender or age in each group.Does the situation in the group differ?b.Three groups of experimental data,max1 and max3,are tested for normality to determine their distribution characteristics,and one-way ANOVA or non-parametric tests are performed according to their distribution characteristics to determine the cold and foot heat resistance compared with the normal group,determine whether there is a difference in height between plateau temperatures.c.Normality test is performed on the slope of temperature drop(VI)and temperature variation coefficient(V3)of the last 5 minutes,and after the distribution is determined,one-way ANOVA or non-parametric test is performed on each parameter to determine After the decline,the three groups of foot temperature changes.Results:A total of 56 cases were observed in this study,of which 22 were normal in the feet,accounting for 39.3%of the total sample,19 felt cold,33.9%of the total sample,and 15 were felt heat,accounting for the total sample 26.8%.?The age of the subjects in each group accorded with the normal distribution,and the variance was uniform(P>0.05).Univariate analysis of variance showed that there was no significant difference in age among the three groups of subjects(F=0.032,P=0.968>0.05).?Chi-square test was used for statistical analysis of gender.Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant difference in gender between the two groups of subjects(2=1.273,P=0.529>0.05).?The BMI values of the subjects in each group conformed to the normal distribution,and the variance was uniform(P>0.05).The univariate analysis of variance showed that the differences in BMI of the three groups of subjects were statistically significant(F=5.814,P=0.005<0.05).Multiple comparisons of LSD showed that the BMI index value in the normal group was the largest,followed by the heat-resistant foot group,and the BMI index of the cold-resistant group was the smallest.?The normality test was performed on the average temperature(maxi)of max60.The results showed that the P value of the third group was less than 0.05,and the data did not meet the normal distribution.The results showed a significance of 0.583,indicating that there was no difference in temperature between the three groups in a steady state.?The normality test was performed on the coefficient of variation(max3)of max60.The P value of the first group was less than 0.05.Therefore,the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test was performed.The result showed a significance of 0.550,indicating that there was no difference in the coefficient of variation between the three groups.?The normality test of the temperature variation coefficient(V3)in the last five minutes shows that the P value of each group is greater than 0.05,and the single factor analysis of variance shows that the variance is uniform,F=2.241,P=0.116>0.05,showing that V4 is between the groups no difference.?The normality test of the temperature drop slope(V1)in the last 5 minutes shows that the P value of each group is greater than 0.05,and the one-way analysis of variance shows that the variance is uniform,F=5.370,P=0.008<0.05,showing that V1 is between the groups With differences.The LSD analysis of pairwise comparison of V1 between each group showed that the slope of the heat-resistant group had the largest slope and the smallest change;the slope of the normal group was the second;the slope of the cold-resistant group had the smallest slope and the largest change.Conclusion:? In the view of traditional Chinese medicine,the cold and heat condition of the patient's feet is an important diagnostic basis.It is common that some feet are cold or heat,but the central body temperature is in a stable state,which has a great relationship with the rise and fall of Yin and Yang of the body itself.It needs to be further distinguished with the diagnosis of later clinical experts.? The body temperature is easily affected by many factors and changes.The center temperature is relatively stable,which does not represent the body temperature and its changes.Different from the previous instantaneous measurement methods such as mercury thermometer,in the changing ambient temperature,the temperature sensor is more able to measure the body temperature dynamically and in real time,and the measurement results can better express the variability of the body temperature.? In the comfortable state,the foot temperature of people who are afraid of cold and heat is not different from that of normal people.? At 18 ±1?,according to the slope of skin temperature decline in the exposed area,the foot temperature of people who are afraid of cold is the fastest,and the foot temperature of people who are afraid of heat is the slowest.The slope of foot temperature change reflects the body's ability to adapt to the environment after facing the change of environment temperature.?According to the result of BMI value,the larger the BMI value is,the less likely it is to be afraid of cold,and the smaller the BMI is,the more likely it is to be afraid of cold.So fat people are more cold tolerant.
Keywords/Search Tags:Objective evaluation, Temperature, Cold-resistant feet, Heat-resistant feet
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