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Urban Sanitation In Developing Countries

Posted on:2021-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Brito Yolanda Regina Eduardo dFull Text:PDF
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This study aims mainly to analyze the problem of urban sanitation in Angola,in particular the municipality of Lobito as a case study.Identify the main difficulties associated with sanitation and make suggestions to improve your management strategy.It analyzes the Urban Sanitation of the municipality,the degree of satisfaction of the population in relation to the management of its components and its availability for a future collaboration in improving this fact,as well as the perception of the population in relation to its management.The methodology adopted for the development of the work was based on the information provided by the companies involved and the Municipal Administration of Lobito;bibliographic investigation,conducting surveys of the population and commercial establishments that provide service and conduct interviews with the entities responsible for the management of urban sanitation of the municipality.The concern with sanitation,throughout history,has almost always been related to the transmission of diseases.However,the increase in waste production and the irresponsible disposal of this waste in the environment,the accelerated growth of the world population and the excessive consumption,have led to a broader concern: the scarcity of natural resources.Water supply,sewage,solid waste disposal and urban drainage services were also studied.The importance of sanitation for human health,the impacts caused by inadequate disposal of garbage and the need for intervention in terms of sanitation in both the public and domestic domain were researched.Some diseases related to lack of basic sanitation,the practices usually used in vector control and a historical overview of the evolution of public health and environmental aspects in the sanitation sector were presented.In fact,a new approach seems to show the new sustainability objectives and associated targets for 2030,incorporating concerns about equity,sustainability,systems management and universality and in this research the population will represent the object by which conclusions are needed on the current state of urban sanitation and the challenges for the sustainable environment of the municipality of Lobito,this need will involve the study of the possibility of integrating sanitation systems of water and waste supply.However,much of what should be done does not depend solely on funding;will depend mainly on the adequacy of solutions to real problems and their specific characteristics,and it seems difficult to implement sanitation systems in urban and urban areas of developing countries.Thus,it is true that from a technical point of view the solutions will tend to be more decentralized from urban centers to the periphery,it is also true that service and maintenance needs increase with the proximity of the city center.In urban areas of danger,conventional centralized systems certainly cannot be adopted,nor can autonomous systems be used as normally recommended for rural areas with low population density.This integrated decentralization solution will have to be personalized and adapted on a case-by-case basis,imposing a paradigm shift towards a truly sustainable future.We will face reflections on the definitions of sustainable development and what is important in the current context of the development of cities.Thus,it should be noted that basic sanitation is a fundamental but not a single factor for improving the living conditions of the population,and should be incorporated into a development model that also addresses social issues.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban sanitation, Sustainable developing, Environment, Lobito Municipality
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