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Using Behavioral Economics To Understand Patient's Decision Making And Inconsistent Behavior: A Theoretical Analysis Framework

Posted on:2019-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:NOOR SULTANGJFull Text:PDF
GTID:2404330590975690Subject:Public health
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Behavioral economics has its institutions in classical economics and anticipated utility theory,combine with a foundation in hypothesizes and proofs from psychology and sociology.Behavioral economics has obtained raising awareness in modern years,with appliances in numerous grounds in which predicted expenditures and profits participate a innermost responsibility: work bazaars,earnings strategies,banking and retirement preparations and strategies,and associational behavior Its appliances to health behavior and health care consumption is rising quickly.Behavioral economics aims to enlarge the illustrative command of economics by instructing that panning in psychological and communal groundwork.It‘s just not a sole presumption,but employs imminent from relating psychology,sociology,and decision investigation.Furthermore behavioral economics is subdivision of economics in which we learn the methods solid judgments and decisions taken by the people every day,coming up with problems of conventional economy posit.The study of behavioral economics is characterized by participation of two or more fields of study dominated by psychology,but including elements of philosophy,epistemology,sociology,economics,anthropology and even mathematics or econometrics.In this article,inquiry approach,by the character of the attended issue,it was a deductive study,supported on hypothetical explanation indications of the mentioned grounds.Assumption was supported with introduction,revival declarations and hypothesizes offered by the articles on behavioral economics aimed to maintain the applying theoriesThe main method for research was excellence technique.This embraced data collection from the ground writings concerning surviving hypothesis.Numerous papers,books,publication,encyclopedias and so on were studied to collect data,which permitted to construct systemized and solid knowledge system.There are many reasons why people do not take action to improve their health,behavior change we have focused efforts on changing both individual behaviors and environments in ways that will support health.We try to focus the importance of the decision constructing process and behavioral economic role in the process.People are always not rational about their decision,social norms,emotions and current circumstance play very important role in process of decision.That‘s why;our center of attention is to study this is for an appropriate investigation of the approaches and decision-making methods subjective and psychological behaviors should be obtained into concerns.Behavioral economics play very important role in improving the health management and decision making it‘s explain how people are not rational about their behaviors.So it explain that behavioral economics plays very important role in process of decision making.It also explain why do patient have inconsistent behaviors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Behavioral economics, Decision, Patients, Inconsistent, Behavior
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