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Study On Disease-related Poems Of The Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2020-09-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2404330575471550Subject:History of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With rich information about life,medicine,disease and human body,disease-related poems of the Tang Dynastyare mostly based on real life despite the exaggeration.The understanding and recognition of concepts such as disease,medicine and treatment of poets,who are experiencers and participants in medical activities and literary creation,can reflect the medical concept of the whole era to some extents.They extended their views on disease to the whole society by expressing emotion via disease and expressing ambition via poems,so as to allude to the national destiny.With the establishment of medical institutions,the popularization of medical education,the advancement of clinical medicine and the enhancement of China and foreign exchange,the medical development of the Tang Dynasty advanced greatly.People's deepened understanding on diseases created objective conditions for the rise of disease-related poems of the Tang Dynasty.With considerable physical and mental harm resulted from the continuous wars and turmoil of An Lushan Rebellion,cruel and indifferent imperial examination,uncertain future of career,heavy pressure of survival and the deteriorating physical condition,some poems in the Tang Dynasty resorted to emotional catharsis and pressure release,which is the direct cause of the rise of disease-related poems of the Tang Dynasty.With a history of disease described vividly and a panoramic view of disease in the Tang Dynasty showed,disease-related poems of the Tang Dynasty,dictated and written by great poets,display the sorrow of suffering from disease and being old and lonely,or the helplessness of ambition-strangled and affection for the country and people,or the awkwardness of no-assistance and loneliness of village life.Disease-related poems of the Tang Dynasty can be divided into four types: the description of the poet's own disease,the mutual condolences of relatives and friends,implication of own imagery via physical objects and the sympathy for the pain of others.Poets of different time periods,classes and regions have different and unique expressions of diseases.Disease-related poems contain both real diseases,which mainly have three categories of eye-mouth-teeth,physical therapy and wounds,and virtual diseases,which mainly include poetry disease and lovesickness.Each disease-related poem has its own specific context of creation and each disease has its own specific background of emergence.Du Fu,a representative of thepoet group of disease-related poems of the Tang Dynasty,created more than 100 disease-related poems in his long and complicated suffering process.In addition to the painful experience resulted from diseases such as malaria,diabetes,lung disease,snoring and hand and foot ablation,the long-standing suffering from illnessalso contributed the formation of “depressed and frustrated” style of Du's peoms.With his own mentally and physically exhausted life described and his depressedinner world analyzed,his disease-related poems embody his own feelings of life and his deep thoughts on the society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang dynasty, Tang poetry, Disease-related poems, History of disease
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