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A Comparative Study Of Rural Primary Health Workers Under Two Cooperative Medical Systems In Quannan County As An Example

Posted on:2019-12-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2404330545967947Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The problem of health and health is always the topic of people's daily life,and the two are closely related.Focusing on health care can not only help people form good hygiene habits,but also achieve the goal of preventing diseases and improving the health of the whole nation.The national health level is improved,and the national economic and social development can also be promoted,so as to enhance national strength.This shows the importance of health care in political life.Throughout the history of social development,Chinese of health and health awareness basically experienced ignorant,negative and positive exploration stage,it is worth mentioning that,for a country based on agriculture,rural health care has made great achievements in the new Chinese since the establishment,has opened up a new road.Is the rural cooperative medical system,this system creates a different from other countries "Chinese mode".Although the "Chinese model" has experienced setbacks,it is good to draw lessons from the experience and create a new path to continue,that is,a new rural cooperative medical system.While the primary health workers in rural areas is closely related to the two cooperative medical system in different times is a characteristic of the times,whether it is the old agricultural under the "barefoot doctors" or rural doctors in the rural cooperative medical system,also changes with the change of.Through the comparison of the two cooperative medical system under the "barefoot doctors" and rural doctors selection conditions,training,management,remuneration,the doctor-patient relationship,in order to find the "barefoot doctors" there are significant differences in the number and the current rural doctors.Through the comparative study of these aspects,from the selection conditions,the vast majority of Chinese herbal medicine from the barefoot doctor apprentice,selection of strict conditions,relatively young,low education level,while rural doctors mostly through the examination,obtain the certificate for rural doctors to agecompared to barefoot doctor showing aging trend,more educated than the barefoot doctor improved,basically reached the secondary level of culture,but society as a whole,medical education is low.From the point of view of learning and training,there are barefoot doctors and rural doctors training times is not enough,as the source of a barefoot doctor,so learning differences also exist,but for the whole of learning,a majority of Chinese herbal medicine apprentice born is usually short-term training,and the other is to work through years of professional school training,general training is mainly in the form of on-site training,training preferred supplemented,across provinces and cities to focus more on the training practice;while rural doctors older by the young barefoot doctor transformation,through the formal professional school,then a village doctor,training of village doctors in rural areas close to the actual,more fine.On the way,compared to the barefoot doctors,on-site training,training the number of provinces and cities were significantly reduced,and in theory,in the light In practice,the training time of rural doctors is not enough.From the management point of view,rural doctors work barefoot doctors and prevention,drug use,the use of Chinese herbal medicine on barefoot doctors,rural doctors and most emphasis on Western medicine,Chinese herbal medicine almost no,in the management,and accept the team barefoot doctor(Village)commune(town),the dual management of township hospital,and village doctors accept the merger management of township hospitals and County Health Bureau,to the administrative village,but compared to the past,clear administrative line,township hospital guidance is not in place,and compared to the past barefoot doctors,ideological norms lack of moral education.From the perspective of the remuneration,wages of rural society belongs to the barefoot doctors in the upper level,and village doctors compared to the past belongs to the local community in the lower level,pension problems.From the doctor-patient relationship,a barefoot doctor belonging to the era of equal and harmonious doctor-patient relationship,rural doctors continue to carry forward the equal and harmonious doctor-patient relationship,but because of the level of medical technology and medical facilities and conditions,and the new rural cooperative medical system many problems,such as the harmonious doctor-patient relationshipeven shaken.Overall,new rural doctors in the barefoot doctors have greatly improved in the medical equipment and medical technology level than,but compared to the past of the barefoot doctors,obviously,rural doctors now measures and the corresponding service system,there are still many drawbacks,not very good to assume responsibility Chinese three rural health care network Wangde gatekeepers of God,can not meet the farmers' diversified medical needs and meet the needs of the new situation.Through the comparative study of various aspects of the current development of China's rural doctors some constructive countermeasures,such as the government should strengthen the investment and construction of primary health care,strengthen rural doctors in western medicine combined with basic drugs,and other aspects of the ability,improve the rural doctor's professional level and broaden the diversity of rural doctors and medical services;to strengthen and improve the rural doctors training system,fully meet the needs of rural doctors training funds,training reserve young doctors in rural areas;strengthen the establishment of scientific management system,strengthen the ideological and moral education;highlight the function of incentive mechanism,the use of specialized classification ability;improve the rural doctors' wages,improve the pension mechanism,improve the rural the doctor's work enthusiasm,and actively promote the rural doctors standardization,socialization and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:New and old agricultural cooperation, Barefoot doctor, Country doctor, comparative study
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