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Research On Ecological Agriculture Thought Of Qi Min Yao Shu And Its Contemporary Value

Posted on:2021-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2393330647954796Subject:History of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the times,many countries have used chemical fertilizers and pesticides on a large scale in the development of agricultural production.While improving economic benefits,they have caused soil deterioration and water resources pollution,resulting in environmental damage that cannot be ignored,which is a serious threat Human survival and sustainable social development.Looking back at our country's long history of farming and civilization,the ancient ancestors have already made active explorations for realizing both survival and development,the steady growth of agricultural production and the synergy of natural ecology.As the earliest and most complete ancient agricultural work in China,"Qi Min Yao Shu" written by the famous agronomist Jia Sixie of the Northern Wei Dynasty is known as the "Encyclopedia of Ancient Chinese Agriculture".The book contains ten volumes and ninety-two chapters.In addition to the knowledge of many subjects such as agriculture,economics,and philology,Qi Min Yao Shu also has rich ecological agriculture characteristics.The book focuses on the protection and utilization of biodiversity.Good use of the delicate ecological relationship between species,between species and the environment,and between humans and the environment,and maintain the ecological balance between humans and nature on the basis of following the agricultural ideas summarized in previous agricultural books.As an important comprehensive agronomy masterpiece in ancient China,"Qi Min Yaoshu" indexed many previous generations of agricultural books,and further inherited the ideas in the agricultural books to form a set of ecological agricultural ideas.First of all,the author continues to integrate the idea of "integration of man and nature" into the agricultural system,and guides agricultural production with the theory of Yin and Yang Five Elements.Secondly,Jia Sixie realized that the implementation of the "three talents" idea in agricultural production was timely and somewhat ineffective.In the end,Jia Sixie realized the importance of the "soil theory" and recorded in detail the various land farming methods and the corresponding specific measures to maintain land fertility.In summing up the agricultural production process,the author advocates frugality,criticizes extravagance,opposes over-development and indiscriminate logging,and realizes the harmonious unification of man and nature.Although these sage ideas inherited from Qi Min Yaoshuhave some gaps with the concept of ecological agriculture in the modern sense,they have laid the ideological foundation for the discipline.For the practice of "Qi Min Yao Shu" eco-agricultural thinking,Jia Sixie also made a detailed record:by observing the characteristics of each region,crop habits and weather conditions to choose suitable soil for crop growth,improve crop yields.Using intercropping of different crops,reasonable rotation,and achieving green hazard avoidance;planting waste relief crops to replace part of the staple food to mitigate the famine caused by the disaster;using biological methods to control insects,anti-freeze of sow grass,and burying the winter to reduce the disaster caused by agriculture Loss;in the reproduction and cultivation of fine animal and plant varieties,increase manual intervention,promote the continuous optimization of varieties,and gradually summarize a set of scientific veterinary technology.It can be seen that "Qi Min Yao Shu",while recording various agricultural experiences and technologies,has constructed a circular,stable,and sustainable ecological agricultural system.Agriculture is the source of food and clothing for human society,and the foundation of governance is related to the rise and fall of the country,and affects the stability and harmony of society.General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that adhering to the green mountains and green mountains is the golden mountain and the silver mountain,which is an important development concept and a major principle for promoting modernization."Qi Min Yao Shu" follows the laws of nature in agricultural production,makes rational use of agricultural natural resources,protects the environment,insists on respecting the heavens and doing things in a timely manner.Therefor,studying the precious ecological agriculture thoughts of "Qi Min Yao Shu",forming the concept of harmonious development of man and nature,taking the road of ecological agriculture development,and realizing the sustainable development of agriculture have positive reference significance for China today.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qi Min Yao Shu, ecology, three talents theory, circulatory system
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