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Comparative Morphology And Phylogeny Of Scaphoideini (Hemiptera:Cicadellidae:Deltocephlinae) From China

Posted on:2021-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X T WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2393330623984331Subject:Plant protection
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The family Scaphoideini(Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae)has recorded 92 genera and 1471 species in the wrld and 144 species of 14 genera in China.The family has many species,large number and distribution widely,food crops such as rice,corn and wheat,as well as cash crops such as oil,cotton and hemp,vegetables,fruit trees,forage grass and trees,are mainly damaged by piercing-sucking mouthparts,which has important economic research value.A comparative morphological study was carried out representative species of 13 genera on the existing species of Scaphoideini based on external morphology,male and female genitalia characteristics,and the strict agreement tree was obtained by TNT v1.5 software based on 54 morphological features.The whole mitochondrial genome sequence of 11 species from 9 genera of Scaphoideini in China was determined and analyzed,enrich its mitochondrial gene database and the ML tree and BI tree were constructed based on AAs and combining with 4 species of mitochondrial genome in the NCBI by Phylosuite(Zhang et al.,2020)and explore its phylogenetic relationship.The main results of this study are as follows:1.Comparative morphological results show that: Genes with similar external forms are difficult to identify quickly and accurately according to the shape characteristics,and must be identified according to the structural characteristics of the male genitalia;The distance between the middle length of the crown and the two eyes can be used as the characteristic of the genus of the distinguishing parts;There are differences in the shape of the seventh sternum of female genitalia that can be used to distinguish partial genus;The first valvulae and second valvulae was not obvious or even similar,and could not be identified distinguish genus and species;It is also impossible to identify and distinguish the genus and species of the fore femur and hind tibia.Aedeagus,connective and Subgenital plate can be used as the most effective classification characteristics between genera.2.The size of the mitogenomes of Scaphoideini is between 14.8kb and 16.1kb.The nucleotide composition of the mitogenome is obviously AT bias,and the use of AT is between73.0%-77.6%.The trn-S1 DHU arm was not missing in the t RNA secondary structure of the Phlogotettix cyclops,Phlogotettix monozoneus and the Phlogothamnus polymaculatus,which the secondary structures of all 22 t RNA are presented in the typical clover structure.3.The phylogenetic tree show that: All the other genera of the 13 genera of the Scaphoideini in China formed a monophyletic group together except the genus Sikhamani;Many genera form sister group relationships.The relationship between Scaphoideini and Athysanini was close;The phylogenetic tree supports the genus Parascaphoidella as an independent new genus,and it is suggested that the genus Sikhamani be removed from Scaphoideini.4.The phylogenetic tree based on AAs show that: The 10 genera of the Cicada family in China form a single group together;The relationship between Scaphoideini and Athysanini was close;The ML tree and BI tree show that the genus Phlogotettixand the genus Phlogotettix,the genus Osbornellus the genus Longicornus were sister group,also support the genus Parascaphoidella as an independent new genus.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hemiptera, Scaphoideini, comparative morphology, mitochondrial genome, phylogeny
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