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Effect Of Fertilization On Growth And Photosynthesis Of 'XiangLing' Walnut

Posted on:2020-04-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H DongFull Text:PDF
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In recent years,with the development of the economy,the walnut industry has developed rapidly,and China has become the world's first walnut producer and the first consumer.However,there are some single and blind problems in the production of walnuts.The problem of relying on industrial fertilizers has caused the lack of soil fertility and environmental burden,as well as affected the growth,fruit,yield and quality of walnuts.In this paper,the problem of fertilization in walnuts is carried out,and different fertilization treatment experiments are carried out.Through the study on the effects of walnut growth and photosynthesis,it is intended to improve the walnut fertilization program and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the walnut industry.In this experiment,‘Xiangling' walnut was taken as the research object.Through the method of random block,the field experiment was carried out.Through the reaction of walnut phenological period,annual shoot growth,walnut nutrient,photosynthesis,soil nutrient fertility and photosynthesis determination,comprehensive analysis of the effects of different fertilization conditions,the following research results:(1)Fertilization is beneficial to prolong the phenological performance of 'Xiangling'walnut,while the application of bio-organic fertilizer B(Bio-organic fertilizer +superphosphate)? C(Bio-organic fertilizer + superphosphate + chemical fertilizer)has significant effects on the phenological period of walnut.The treatment of mixed bio-organic fertilizer prolongs the male flower compared with other treatments without applying bio-organic fertilizer.Flowering and female flowering each day,which is conducive to walnut pollination,thereby increasing walnut yield.(2)Temperature is directly related to the phenological stage of 'Xiangling' walnut,the appropriate temperature is conducive to improving the flowering process,while low temperature will inhibit the activity of walnut flowering,thus extending the duration of walnut flowering.(3)Fertilization had the most significant effect on the growth of annual shoots,and the length and coarseness of the shoots were significantly better in the mixed application of bio-organic fertilizer than in the treatment with only fertilizer or without fertilizer.(4)Mixed application of bio-organic fertilizer can significantly improve the nutrient level in 'Xiangling' walnut leaves,and the best performance of each nutrient in C treatment,organic carbon,total nitrogen,total phosphorus,total potassium specific performance:607.74 g/kg,17.63 g/kg,26.98 g/kg,14.96 g/kg.(5)Mixed application of bio-organic fertilizer can significantly increase the content of alkali nitrogen,available phosphorus,available potassium and organic matter in soil,and the treatment effect of C is optimal.The contents of each nutrient were in order: 28.93 mg/kg,49.37 mg/kg,327.47 mg/kg.And 12.17 g/kg.In summary,bio-organic fertilizer is conducive to expanding the canopy,improving soil fertility,and at the same time helping to improve soil fertility transformation and enhance the ability of plants to absorb fertility.Therefore,in the application of chemical fertilizers in the production of walnuts,the application of bio-organic fertilizers should be promoted and applied.
Keywords/Search Tags:walnut, fertilization, growth, photosynthetic, soil
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