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The Structure And Dynamic Change Of Forest Resources At Qinlian Forest Farm In Guangxi

Posted on:2019-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2393330545966140Subject:Agriculture in Forestry
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is based on the second-class survey data of forest resources in Qinlian Forest Farm in Guangxi in 2004,2009 and 2013,researched the current situation and dynamic changes of the forest area,stock volume,forest structure,and forest cover rate of forest resources at the state-owned Qinlian Forest farm in Guangxi,revealed the basic laws of dynamic changes in forest resources,explained the reasons for the dynamic changes of forest resources,pointed out the outstanding problems in the current management of forest resources,this is of great significance to improving the scientific management and decision-making of forest resources in forest farms.The main conclusions of this study are as follows:(1)Forest area has decreased overall,and forest land has been occupied.The forest land area of Qinlian Forest farm has shown a trend of increasing first,decreasing,and decreasing overall,from 29494.9 hm2 in 2004 to 33107.7 hm2 in 2009,and then decreased again to 28099.8 hm2 in 2013.In total,the area of woodland decreased by 1395.1 hm2 compared with 2004,a decrease of 4.73%.The area of occupied forest land was 19530.1 hm2,accounting for 32.1%of the total land area of the forest.(2)The growth of forest reserves continues to grow.From 2004 to 2013,the forest reserves of the Qinlian Forest farm continued to grow.The forest stock volume increased from 773988 m3 in 2004 and 1561938 m3 in 2009 to 3034311 m3 in 2013.The previous period of forest reserves(2004-2009)The increase was as high as 101.80%,and the latter period(2009-2013)was 94.36%.(3)Live wood stocks continue to grow.During the period from 2004 to 2013,the growth of standing timber in the Qinlian Forest farm continued to increase.The total volume of live standing timber in the whole stadium increased from 778081 m3 in 2004 to 1565280 m3 in 2009 and further increased to 3040146 m3 in 2013,among which,the previous period(In 2004-2009,the growth rate was 101.17%.In the later period(2009-2013),the growth rate was 94.22%.(4)There is a clear trend of eucalyptus in timber forests.During the period from 2004 to 2013,the trend of eucalyptus plantation in timber forests in Qinlian Forest farm was significant,and the proportion of area and accumulation of eucalyptus plantations increased significantly,from 44.44%and 45.31%in 2004 to 85.41%and 85.25%in 2009.83.79%and 91.14%.(5)Forest coverage has increased significantly.From 2004 to 2013,the coverage of forest resources at Qinlian Forest farm increased significantly,from 55.7%in 2004 to 57.7%in 2009 and 77.4%in 2013,an increase of 21.7 percentage points.(6)The structure of tree species is irrational and the trend of eucalyptus is prominent.According to the data of forest resources in 2013,the area of fast-growing pupae is 448161 hm2,accounting for 94.69%of the total area of dominant trees and 32989.4 m3 of fast-growing pupae,accounting for 83.79%of the total reserves.The characteristics of eucalyptus in the development of visible tree species are obvious.(7)The age structure of the timber forest is unreasonable and the structure is unbalanced.The area of young forests in Qinlian Forest farm accounted for 17.26%,medium-aged forests accounted for 16.41%,and near-mature forests accounted for 66.32%;the corresponding proportions were 0.62%,7.15%,and 92.24%.The age structure of the timber forest area is unbalanced.(8)Based on a comprehensive analysis of the structure and dynamic changes of forest resources,combined with the reality of Qinlian Forest farm,the opinions and recommendations of future forest resource management are put forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qinlian Forest farm, Forest Resources, Forest Coverage, Dynamic Changes
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