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On The Construction And Historical Significance Of Kufa City In The Middle Ancient

Posted on:2021-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L TanFull Text:PDF
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There were three sources of early Islamic cities: military camp city,old city transformed into Islamic city and new capital city of Caliph.At the beginning of the 7th century,the city of Kufa had not been established,where the Arameans and Jews settled.Because it is adjacent to the Arabian steppe,it became the first area to be conquered when the Arabs conquered Iraq.In order to place Arab soldiers,guarantee the fighting spirit and continue to promote the war,the Arabs set up military camps here,named after Kufa.With the influx of a large number of people,Arab rulers began to plan the layout of the city of Kufa.The first is the planning of Muslim settlements,mosques and commander's residences,followed by the construction of markets.The mosque is located in a large courtyard in the center of the camp,surrounded by the governor's office and Muslim residential areas,among which the market and other small mosques are distributed.After the establishment of the market,Kufa took off its military camp and became a real city.During the Umayyad Dynasty and the early days of the Abbasid Dynasty,the mosque and the governor's office in the urban area of Kufa were expanded,the urban area was continuously expanded,and the city wall appeared at the same time.In the 10 th century,the power of the Abbasid dynasty fell aside,the central government's control over the local areas weakened rapidly,and the city of Kufa declined under the invasion of foreign nationalities and gradually faded out of the historical stage.The establishment of the city of Kufa met the needs of the Arab conquest war.It was the political core of the Islamic world in the middle and late seventh century,reflecting the North movement of the political center of the Arab world.Kufa city is also the birthplace of Shiah and its religious rites.At the end of the 8th-9th century,the city of Kufa was highly prosperous.Religious culture and Islamic urban civilization constituted an important part of Arab culture.Kufa city is the representative of middle ancient Islamic city.The city is centered on mosques and centered on religious development.The buildings in the city are uniformly planned and managed by the government.The city is divided into several residential areas,each of which is relatively closed and closely connected with each other.The markets of large and small are all over the city,reflecting the common development of Islamic cities.At the same time,the city of Kufa has its own typical characteristics.It has served as the political center of the Arab world for many times,with far-reaching political significance,and its wall appeared later.Therefore,its construction plays a connecting role in the history of Islamic cities and has an important influence on the cities established by Arabs later.
Keywords/Search Tags:Islamic City, Kufa city, Tribe, Mosque, Bazaar
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