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Research On Development Strategy Of R Port Company Limited

Posted on:2019-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330626956595Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the financial crisis of 2008,the global economy has been fickle and affected by structural and cyclical factors.The risk factors of international trade have exerted great pressure on the development of international trade in China.The imbalance between supply and demand caused by insufficient global demand cannot be effectively addressed,As a result,the entry of international trade into medium-low speed growth has become a new normal in the global economy.Entering the 13 th Five-Year Plan,China has vigorously promoted the construction of "Belt and Road" and free trade zones,and deepened structural reforms in industries such as iron and steel,coal,and so on.19 th CPC National Congress' s report pointed out that China's economy has changed from a period of high growth to a stage of high-quality development.The port R is on the side of national transformation and development.To optimize the economic structure and change the key period of growth power,in the face of the increasing phenomenon of regional surplus resources in the industry,the disorderly competition between ports,the shortage of human resources,and the unfavorable policy environment,Environmental pressure and other factors need to develop new strategies to meet the needs of economic development.Port R has an important strategic position in the distribution of national productive forces and the pattern of bulk cargo transportation.The development potential has obvious competitive advantage.Moreover,in recent years,the state has continuously released the reform dividend as an important fulcrum of "Belt and Road" planning,at the same time,it is based on the favorable position of the blue economic zone of Shandong Peninsula and the free trade area between China,Japan and South Korea.The prospects for development are broad.In the 19 th CPC National Congress,it was clearly proposed that we should focus on the construction of "Belt and Road," and form an open pattern of linkage between the mainland and the world and the two-way economic assistance between the east and the west.With the development of China's economy,the scale of trade has expanded.And the promotion of "Belt and Road" initiative,port enterprises Will usher in greater space for development.In this paper,the development strategy of port R under the changing environment of international shipping trade is studied from the following four aspects:1.Relevant theoretical knowledge of port enterprise development strategy.This paper expatiates the theories related to the concept of port and strategic development of enterprises,including the theory of strategic management and knowledge of port.2.Analysis of the present situation of Port R Co.Ltd..This paper gives a brief description of the present situation of R-port joint stock limited company and a brief analysis of the present situation of the company.3.Environmental Analysis and Strategic Plan of Port R Co.Ltd..Based on PEST analysis,Porter Five Force Model analysis and SWOT analysis,a strategic choice of Port R and a development strategy of Port R Co.4.Strategic choice and strategy implementation of R Port Co.,Ltd.In the choice of the strategic plan,the final determination of R Port Co., select a variety of business strategy,and for different business to choose the appropriate development strategy,in the clear strategic positioning of R port based on the implementation of diversification strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:international trade, environmental change, strategic development, strategic direction
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