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Nepal's Energy Diplomacy

Posted on:2021-04-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Sheela PradhanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330623477934Subject:International relations
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Nepal,officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal,is a landlocked country in South Asia.With a population of 28.1 million.It borders China in the north and India in the south,east,and west.Nepal is known as the second most prosperous country in water resources.Hydropower is the pillar of energy sources in the world.It is used in different ways to simplify a wide variety of equipment and tools for the comfortable life of human beings.Hydroelectricity is energy produced by generators that are driven by the impulse of water.It is generally made with dams that block a river to form a lake or collect water that is pumped there.The hydroelectricity of Nepal has a potential of 83 thousand megawatts,and this can occur at a low cost because the rivers of Nepal flow from north to south and cross many hills.It means that it is not essential to make more expenses on steep slopes.Electric power is vital for the growth of agriculture because electrical power is necessary to publicize new technologies,run underground irrigation,and introduce and produce modern chemical fertilizers.The general population can save money for gasoline,diesel,and various types of fuel.By electric power,the transport sector can be developed and modernized.To run the industry,hydroelectric power is essential.Electricity helps Nepalese households obtain fuel to do their work without firewood.Hydropower will save the forest from destruction.Every year,Nepal imports mineral fuels from foreign countries in large quantities.Therefore,hydroelectricity can also reduce these imports as a substitute for those fuels.The development of hydroelectric power worldwide is on the rise.It has been known as one of the essential elements in the optimal use of existing water resources to achieve the targeted goals for power security and ecological development.Besides,due to the incidence of earthquake catastrophes,the growth of hydroelectric capability has not advanced much.Sustainability means using what is essential to living now without taking the risk of basic needs for people in the future.Sustainability is an extended subject projected to endorse new plans and policies of power,water,and ecological process.Hydropower is regarded as an integrated procedure of growth and advancement;thus,the idea of sustainability must be agreed created based on the planning,implementation,and operation of Hydroelectric Plans.This research highlights the typical patterns of relationships between Nepal and its natural resources with India in general.The important objective of the study is to find the total useable hydropower capacity and,by doing so,to mitigate the energy dependency of Nepal with India.Nepal's relation with its neighbor has turned sour to sweet and vice-versa in recent years.So,in the long run,Nepal needs to stand on its own and be less reliant on various products,including electric power with India.Our research also highlights the usefulness of hydroelectricity for the prosperity of the country,including infrastructure development,as well as to improve its relation with neighboring countries.This research will be a milestone in determining the factor that will make Nepal the electricity hub of south Asian countries.This thesis will highlight both edges of relation through which Nepal and India,along with its ancient history of friendship till the present day open-border policy,can help impact the economic prosperity of Nepal.It has been universally agreed that only hydropower can improve the falling economy of our country.The study will be an instrument to understand the unique relationship between Nepal and India.It will highlight the importance of hydroelectricity,which helped keep Nepal in a respectable position with its neighbours.Nepal Development Vision(2030),sets out the longer-term desire for Nepal turning into an upper-middle-income country by 2030 and visualizes hydropower plans as a critical element for growth.The focus on electricity means that any effect to compromise the development of hydropower plants may affect the economy of the country in the long run.Hence,this thesis will find several factors that kept hydropower and Nepal economic growth into a single path of progress and also elaborates those factors which exacerbate the relations irrespective of their global impacts.We have highlighted several issues that demonstrate the utilization of hydroelectricity shared between Nepal and India.Various articles and thesis work have been reviewed to form a conclusion in this thesis.This article will also illustrate that having a unique relationship between Nepal and hydroelectricity,it can have several benefits and Nepal having an ample amount of electricity capacity is not being able to produce sufficient electricity for its utilization.Nepal's electricity supply ranges between 750 MW and 1,140 MW and grows 7.56 percent annually.The country does not export electricity,but imports about 200 MW from India.Of the energy supplied,482.2 MW came from hydroelectric sources(public and private),and 221.1 MW were imported from India.A small percentage of the actual power provided came from thermal sources.According to the Nepalese Electricity Authority(NEA),Nepal currently needs 28 million electrical connections.The hydroelectric potential of Nepal in terms of generating electricity of approximately 727,000 gigawatt-hours(GWh)is one of the largest in the world.If used efficiently,this vast resource will not only make Nepal a self-sufficient energy economy,but it can also make the country one of the few large-scale energy exporters in the region.Hydropower in our country ranges from a limited hundred watts to more than 10 GW.The services vary in scale from huge power plants that supply electricity to numerous consumers to minor and micro plants that the resident communal functions for their energy requirements or that energy manufacturers function to vend power to the central specialist.Minor hydroelectric projects(up to 1000 KW)show a huge role in satisfying power requirements and do not need significant investments and market supplies.Small hydroelectric systems(up to 100 KW)work by separating a portion of the river's movement through a tube and a turbine,which energies a generator to make electricity.Nepal's flexible foreign investment policy grab donor encouragement in the hydroelectric part since the 1980 s.Amongst areas of getting profit in industrial,tourism,building,cultivation,raw materials,and power,the hydroelectric segment has an immense profit opportunity due to flexible rule and ordinate authorized devices that respect the environment.Government has high listed the hydroelectric segment for overseas and general investment.As a result,hydroelectric segment has obtained 45% of the whole Foreign Direct Investment(FDI),with an investment assurance of Rs 87.55 billion,from entire FDI assurance of Rs 190 billion given in 2016.The Constitution of Nepal 2015 has highlighted energy expansion and the protection of natural properties.Nepal is ruled by the new Constitution of Nepal that entered into force on 20 Sep 2015,changing provisional Constitution of 2007.Demand for electricity on the border between Nepal and India is proliferating,growing the importance of structure set up,arrangement and growth.Nepal imported 653 MW of electricity from India in 2018,and the most so far since the country ended with power outages three years ago.The Nepalese Electricity Authority(NEA)had to import because the total demand for electricity reached 1,243 MW due to the maximum winter load and the fall in the production of river runoff systems due to the low volume of water in the rivers.The strong earthquake and the aftershocks that shattered the Kathmandu Valley and central part in 2015 made it difficult to analyze exact demand and electricity production in Nepal.In the current worldwide state where oil charges remain fluctuant and the future offers ambiguous prospects for petroleum,optimal use of the abundant natural wealth,namely hydroelectricity,would significantly reduce import costs of Nepal.It would help improve the comparative battle of the economy equally on a local and worldwide basis and meet the wish for double-digit maintainable development in the near-term eras,thus decreasing its electricity import from India and paying the way to become the regional powerhouse of south Asian countries.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hydropower, electricity, NEA, energy dependency, diplomacy, import, export
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