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Research On CNBM Oversea M&A Of Avancis

Posted on:2019-02-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330611965947Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the guidance of the “going out” and “Belt and Road” initiative,some outstanding representatives of Chinese enterprises have stepped out of the country to conduct cross-border mergers and acquisitions,so as to integrate resources,participate in competition and gain development opportunities on a global platform.Overseas mergers and acquisitions and related research have mainly focused on production factor industries such as Sinopec and CNOOC;electronics industry,such as Lenovo's acquisition of HP personal computers,TCL's acquisition of Thomson;automobile industry,SAIC's acquisition of South Korea's Ssangyong case,and Geely's acquisition of Volvo.There are relatively few studies on other industries,and there is almost no research on overseas M&A in building materials,especially in the glass industry.The glass industry has the characteristics of intensive production and technology intensive.From the two aspects of acquiring the market and acquiring technology,Chinese glass enterprises are in urgent need of going out.Mergers and acquisitions is a complex economic activity,and cross-border mergers and acquisitions are faced with more challenges such as cultural conflicts and geographical differences.This paper analyzes the reasons for success through the cross-border merger and acquisition of German Avonsis Company by China National Building Materials Group,a benchmark in the glass industry.Summarize the experience and inspiration that can be referenced.The introduction part of the thesis clarifies the background significance of the research.The literature review reviews the research situation at home and abroad,and expounds the structure and research ideas of the thesis.The second part of the case description describes the M&A process,the situation of the parties and the related background.The case analysis part faces the challenges faced by cross-border M&A,and analyzes China's building materials in terms of M&A objectives and route formulation,risk and prevention,M&A process control,integration process,and M&A performance.The fourth part of the revelation,summed up the acquisition of China Building Materials,Awansis,in the M&A strategy,post-merger integration,resource use,talent development,etc.,can be found in Chinese companies,especially glass industry cross-border mergers and acquisitions can refer to Experience and inspiration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Overseas M&A, CNBM, Avancis
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