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Study On The Safety Design Of Highway Landscape And Its Facilities

Posted on:2021-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330605977277Subject:Environmental design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
since the birth of the internal combustion engine,the surplus temperature of the industrial revolution is still baking the information age that human beings are proud of.The large-scale rise of network technology,life science and artificial intelligence has changed people's life style,but it is not "breaking the muscles and bones".Network technology can make people buy ideal goods without going out,but what can't be changed is that people still Relying on the road to transport goods;life science can let people change the genetic structure,but it can't really replace three meals a day;artificial intelligence can replace human driving cars,but in today's driverless technology is not mature,no one will open the whole process on the road,it can be said that people are willing to control their lives in their own hands.The position of this paper is not to support that technology is useless,but to think that technology should be the most important way to improve the most essential aspects of people's lives.As a carrier to meet the needs of human travel,automobile can be traced back to the 1870s Karl Benz.The written regulations on driving safety can be traced back to the first traffic law "driving rules" formulated by the United States in the early 20th century.Since the 21st century,China has gradually improved and updated many traffic safety regulations that have been promulgated,but there is no reference to the guidance of highway landscape and highway facilities design on highway safety.This paper takes this perspective as the starting point,combines safety theories such as serley accident model and trajectory intersection theory,Landscape Morphology,landscape ecology,highway landscape Road traffic psychology and other theories and reasonable design,strive to improve road traffic safety through a series of safety design of road landscape and road landscape facilities,and provide reference for future road landscape design.
Keywords/Search Tags:highway safety design, surley model, trajectory intersection theory
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