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The Research On Some Chemical And Physical Test Methods In The Study On The Performance Of Midea's Acquisition Of Kuka

Posted on:2021-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q FanFull Text:PDF
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With the application of Internet technology and big data technology in various fields,the industrial reform and technological reform activities of "intelligent manufacturing" have been quietly launched around the world.According to the national policy call and strategic guidance,Chinese enterprises have designed corresponding development strategies with "intelligent manufacturing" as the core.In"intelligent manufacturing",it has to be mentioned that a key device is robot,but the core technology of robot is almost controlled by foreign companies.Therefore,in order to optimize the domestic and foreign industrial planning of their own robots,some enterprises in China have adopted cross-border MERGERS and acquisitions.Based on the above background,the case selected in this paper is the cross-border merger and acquisition between Midea Group and Kuka in Germany in 2017.Midea Group,as one of the leading enterprises in China's home appliance industry,aims to optimize and adjust the industrial chain layout with vertical strategic merger and acquisition.Kuka Systems,one of the four largest robotics companies in the world,is the acquired company of this paper.This transnational MERGER and acquisition is one of the largest mergers and acquisitions in recent years.This paper hopes that by analyzing the transnational merger and acquisition activities of Midea Group and Kuka in Germany,Chinese enterprises can get more practical guidance and theoretical reference in the subsequent transnational mergers and acquisitions.In this paper,the case study method,literature study method and comparative analysis method are adopted to study and evaluate the performance of Midea Group before and after its merger and acquisition.Through five chapters,the research background,relevant theories,case overview,case analysis and conclusions are described.The first chapter introduces the background of this merger and acquisition event and the reasons for choosing this case,summarizes the literature related to cross-border merger and acquisition,and introduces the research ideas and methods of this paper.The second chapter briefly introduces the conceptual characteristics of cross-border M&A,the concept of M&A performance and the performance research methods used in this paper.The third chapter mainly introduces the relevant situation of the case,including the background of the two sides of the merger,the motivation of the merger and the process of the merger.The fourth chapter analyzes investors'attitude towards the merger and acquisition from the perspective of short-term market reaction through event analysis,and then calculates relevant evaluation indexes through the traditional indicator method and EVA analysis method to evaluate the performance of enterprises before and after the merger and acquisition.The fifth chapter summarizes the m&a behavior of Midea and draws the enlightenment that this m&a brings to other Chinese enterprises' cross-border M&A.Through the study found that investors in the short term more bullish on the acquisition,merger and acquisition of library card so that the net income and economic value added beauty appeared a certain degree of growth,but from the perspective of long-term development,beauty after the merger of net operating profit after tax,capital turnover,such as no increased significantly,that strategic integration after m&a is the key to the success of mergers and acquisitions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cross-border m&a, performance evaluation, EVA
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