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Experience Learning And Organizational Performance

Posted on:2020-08-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X S NieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330602464908Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China has become a big country in automobile production and sale,maintained the world's first output value and sales volume for ten years.With the development and growth of the automobile industry,the competition among automobile enterprises is frequent and diverse,and they have accumulated abundant competition experience.The process of competitive action is the process of enterprise experience learning.The experience knowledge of organizational learning is stored in the organizational memory and guides the enterprise to make decisions at the appropriate time.Especially in mergers and acquisitions which are different from general competitive actions,it is more obvious to learn from other enterprises.Experience is a"double-edged sword".On the one hand,the accumulation of experience knowledge helps enterprises to reduce uncertainty and avoid risks in decision-making process;on the other hand,experience will lead to the consolidation of enterprise knowledge,and the wrong use of experience regardless of time and location will cause enterprises to suffer losses.It is necessary for enterprises to know what kind of experience is valuable for strategic decision-making.Exploring how enterprises learn experience knowledge can help solve the mystery of enterprise learning.Therefore,this study takes the competition action of automobile enterprises as the research object,and tries to open the door of empirical learning by discussing two issues.Firstly,we study the relationship between competitive experience and firm performance.By dividing different kinds of experience,this paper explores what kind of experience can contribute to the improvement of enterprise performance.By dividing different types of experience from two dimensions of time and space,this paper finely analyses the relationship between competitive experience and performance,and explores what kind of experience can contribute to the improvement of enterprise performance,hoping to provide theoretical reference for enterprises to use experience.In order to make experiential learning more in line with the rules of organizational learning,the influence of organizational learning and organizational forgetting on the process of experience accumulation is included in the measurement of empirical indicators.The results show that there is a negative correlation between competitive experience and organizational performance;short-term experience promotes organizational performance and long-term experience reduces organizational performance;internal experience has no significant effect;external experience has a negative relationship with performance;internal and external short-term experience can improve organizational performance,while internal and external long-term experience leads to performance decline.Secondly,we choose M&A as a typical representative of competitive action,explores whether learning other enterprise experience can improve enterprise performance,and analyses the links of learning other enterprise experience from four aspects:learning motivation,learning object,learning process and learning effect.Empirical tests show that learning from the experience of other enterprises is helpful to improve the performance of merger and acquisition by using the sample of merger and acquisition events in the automotive industry from 2006 to 2016.For the motivation of information acquisition and competitiveness,learning from enterprises in the same industry is an optimal learning path.while the nature and business differences of learning objects will weaken the effect of empirical learning.Organizational learning has been paid more and more attention to by theoretical research and enterprise practice.This study hopes to explore the learning rules implied in the process of empirical learning,apply it to the process of enterprise management,promote the long-term development of enterprises,and lay a theoretical foundation for the government to formulate industrial policies and promote the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Experience Learning, Firm Performance, Acquisition and Merger Performance, Learning Effect, Learning Process
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