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Esearch On Environmental Color Allocation Of Metro Train Maintenance Workshop

Posted on:2020-07-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q BaiFull Text:PDF
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Scholars' research on color configuration has already begun.It has become common practice to apply color configuration in the field of industrial design.Then,theory and practice have formed a complete theoretical system.However,in the design of industrial workshops,scientific color matching design is rare,and there is no complete color theory system to provide scientific support.This has created confusion in the visual environment of current industrial workshops and increased the incidence of various accidents.Some industrialized countries have begun to use scientific color configurations extensively in industrial environments.For example,in the design of the ground maintenance workshop,color is an important part,and the color of the inspection workshop is closely related to the quality of the safety inspection.The labor in the maintenance workshop is heavy and the work content is monotonous,which is easy to cause dull and irritating emotions.When workers' emotions are affected by the color of the harsh environment,it is easy to affect work efficiency and increase the probability of accidents.Bored emotions will be alleviated,and the color design of the industrial workshop is not only related to the beauty of the overall environment,but also regulates the emotional state of employees.Reduce the occurrence of accidents and improve the quality of operations.Therefore,based on the research background,this paper analyzes the status quo at home and abroad,and studies the basic theory of color and the factors affecting color configuration design.Study the color expression analysis in the industrial plant environment and the color configuration design of the subway maintenance workshop as a key issue for research.Based on the subway maintenance workshop,the environmental color composition of the subway maintenance workshop factory was analyzed,and the influencing factors of the environmental color usage of the subway maintenance workshop were analyzed.Finally,combined with the actual project,from the previous research analysis,color positioning,color planning design,color realization and other steps,the theory is applied to practice,and the targeted color planning design for the actual project.This paper hopes to analyze the color configuration of the subway maintenance workshop,combined with the physiological and psychological conditions of the workers during the operation.A well-designed color usage scheme creates a good working environment for people working in an industrial environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Metro Maintenance Workshop, Color, Safety Logo, Color Configuration
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