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Integrating Demand Management Into Jinja Central Division Transportation Planning Process

Posted on:2020-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:NABWISO BLASIO MICHAELFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330575998369Subject:Urban and rural planning
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Most cities in the world are integrating demand management into their transport planning processes.Uganda as well has a requirement for municipalities to the implement the non-motorized transportation policy,to promote investments in heavy and light rail,and to promote bus rapid transportation which will increase the diversity of travel choices in these urban centers and reduce car reliance in the long run.In the heart of Jinjamunicipality which will soon attain a city status,lies Jinja Central Division without asatisfactory level of services for the different range of travellers.This is coupled with the congestion levels during peak travel times and during events of annual activities.Thispaper analyses how demand management can be integrated into Jinja central division'stransport planning process.To achieve this,literature related to demand managementintegration was reviewed to understand what demand management means intransportation,its roles,how transport demand management fits into a lower localgovernment's planning process,how it can be integrated and its evaluation for selection.A case study and literature from scholars on the subject for example the WashingtonFederation of Highway Administration Desk reference for integrating demandmanagement into transportation planning process at the local level.While using the case study,Field visits were carried out in Jinja central division to understand the planningprocess of the division.Observation and interviews were also carried out to verify theinformation.Results showed that demand management may fit into Jinja Central Division'splanning process as evidence of similarities in the two planning processes make itpossible to integrate demand management.The two planning processes are shown toshare similar goals,objectives,and activities in selection,assessment and implementation.Demand management may be integrated in the division's vision and goals,thereafter,included into the objectives that guide attainment of the set goal.Other proceduralsimilarities that may provide opportunity for integration are;the assessment and selection criteria used in guiding and evaluating the viability of a demand management project,the mobilization of funding to influence the implementation phase,the performancemeasures used to review and guide implementation of the demand management strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transportation
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