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Research On The Application Of Luban Culture In The Space Planning And Design Of Honghe Wetland Homestay In Tengzhou

Posted on:2020-03-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B HuFull Text:PDF
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The good development of homestay inspires the designer's enthusiasm for further development and design.based on the good development foundation of home stay facilities and the current development situation of home stay facilities in China,on the premise of finding and solving problems,this paper makes full use of the combination of luban culture in Tengzhou region and the characteristics of Tengzhou red load wetland,and studies the application of space planning and design of home stay facilities based on luban culture.luban culture home stay focus in the study of the application of space planning and design for this article,on the premise of digging luban culture,on the basis of luban culture and orientation,by refining luban cultural symbols combined with three-dimensional structure theory into the folk wisdom,initially formed to build luban culture home stay facility space planning and design and specific strategies and methods of cultural expression.This paper studies and analyzes the three main bodies luban culture,homesthouse space and Honghe wetland,summarizes the problems arising from the combination of traditional technology and modern technology,the collision between old and new culture,and the utilization and protection of regional resources,and puts forward corresponding solutions.Finally,the paper draws a conclusion.In the inheritance and innovation,innovation in the development of the concept of planning and design,will ban culture combined with modern technology,traditional craft through mutation and recombination and other artistic techniques to build the home stay facility which contains luban culture space,exploring new strategy is applied to the design of the space of a home stay facility performance and presentation,in order to improve the quality of the home stay facility space,and to carry forward the spirit of craftsmen and artisans.Adhere to adjust measures to conditions,cultural and ecological environmental protection concept,from perspective of ecological balance,considering ecological environment and context as well as the sustainable development and so on all kinds of positive factors,reasonable participation by multiculturalism and high-tech means,the red lotus wetland independent,complex and diverse ecosystems in regulation and protection,make suitable for the sustainable development of ecological environment of the home stay facility space.For luban lock continue to adhere to the innovation and application of mortise and tenon joint research strategy and method,starting from themortise and tenon joint element modelling itself,extract the typical representative and symbolic representative symbol,with the help of the modelling of mortise and tenon joint elements,structure,meaning,etc combined with want to design the product attributes,search for common ground,and then integrate design research.On the premise of defining the freshness and characteristics of luban culture,the cultural connotation of luban is followed,the cultural inheritance of luban is grasped,and the cultural innovation of The Times is continued.The cultural homeshop space of luban is designed to be interpreted by tourists with joy,so as to realize the spiritual resonance of people and space.This paper deduces a set of design language and design method of luban cultural integration modern homestay space planning and design,which can provide certain reference value and development significance for the application research of modern homestay space design with the same type of cultural theme.
Keywords/Search Tags:Luban culture, Red lotus wetland, Home stay space, Design application
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