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Construction Technique And Value Enlightenment Of Tujia “Diaojiao” Architecture

Posted on:2019-07-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The“ Diaojiao” architecture in Western Hubei is not only a distinctive form of traditional residential architecture.Its settlements and buildings themselves contain a large number of construction techniques.Settlement forms and architectural forms reflect the long-term accumulated living habits of local residents National character and aesthetic consciousness in varying degrees.However,globalization is unstoppable today,the traditional Chinese architectural culture is rapidly disintegrating,and its living space for creating arts is constantly being squeezed by the current building culture and new building materials.In view of the survival status of “ Diaojiao” architecture in western Hubei,the project has attempted to conduct a systematic and comprehensive analysis,summarization and summarization of the construction skills of the “ Diaojiao” architecture in the settlements and dwellings as well as the value of modern architecture and landscape.The paper includes five parts.The first part is an introduction,which briefly explains the current research status,purpose and significance of research,and the methods and content of the research.The second part combines relevant theoretical knowledge on the basis of field surveys,and specifically analyzes the existing conditions of The“ Diaojiao” architecture and the reasons for the limited development,and clarifies the subjective and objective factors that make it difficult for The“ Diaojiao” architecture to continue in the contemporary social environment.The third part and the fourth part analyze their respective construction skills from the settlement landscape of dwelling houses and residential buildings respectively.Settlements from the concept of settlement construction,spatial layout,and the use of native materials and landscape elements throughout the settlement.In terms of individual building of residential buildings,the construction space,building structure,building materials,and architectural decoration are all broken down to reveal the craftsman's wisdom in the construction of The“ Diaojiao” architecture,and to sum up the construction techniques and construction rules of the Tujia dwellings..In the fifth part,after analysing the construction techniques of “ Diaojiao” architecture in settlements and residential buildings,the value of these construction techniques for modern landscapes and buildings is revealed.In accordance with the material conditions and spiritual needs of the modern living environment,the design elements available in the Tujia “ Diaojiao” architecture in West Hubei were extracted,and then the traditional regional houses are redesigned in the light of the various advantages of modern architecture,in the hope that this architectural form with historical value can be preserved while satisfying the contemporary people's life.Level requirements.
Keywords/Search Tags:“Diaojiao” architecture, Settlements, Residential, Construct
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