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Resarch On Alejandro Aravena's Creation Concept Based On "Situation And Poetic"

Posted on:2018-10-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Z HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2382330566499033Subject:Architectural History and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the 20 th century,the conflicts between economy,nature,culture and society have been inevitably intensified by the rapid urban expansion and population migration in large scale.As an important carrier involved in social development,it is the new dimension,which architects should think about,that how to assist in alleviating the non-architectural problems raised by urbanization and dealing with the challenges in the future in addition to satisfying the architectural requirements.Since his being the practitioner,Alejandro Aravena,who won The Pritzvik Architecture Prize in 2016,has put forward feasible solutions to a series of peripheral issues on housing crisis triggered by urbanization in Chile,urban renewal after the earthquake and tsunami,and energy conservation and emission reduction of architecture.In his architectural creation,Aravena has always insisted on adopting“situation” and “pathos” as the vision origin in the architectural creation while most fundamental,important and original hitting point lies in the external and explicit“situation” and the internal and implicit “pathos”.Thus,Aravena's works has reflected unique social attributes,revealing his meticulous and profound humanitarian concern and sense of social responsibility,which highlights his true attitude as an architect to solve social problems.Aravena's creation focuses on “situation” and “pathos” as the origin,which becomes the unity of two dual characters,“general situation feedback” and “true pathos solicitude”.He responds to the natural environment with an attitude of“following the tide” and has a “reflective” attitude towards examining the background of the times,meeting the needs of the poor from a “developmental”perspective and grasping the “situation” in general.Meanwhile,he pays close attention to the users' emotions and feelings,attaching great importance to the cultural heritage and ethical demands of the nation.He always holds the true life manner to be combined with the design as the inherent “pathos”for the creation and his architecture has been endowed with the delicate and tender humanistic connotation.The dual involvement of “situation” and “pathos” attach the rationality and sensibility to Aravena's architecture which bears the possibility of individuality in commonness and responds to social problems in a pragmatic manner.In the design,Aravena implements his creative concept in the way of“restoration”,“integration” and “sustainability”.“Retelling the reality”,“translating the cognition”,“sorting out the framework” have been adopted to restore the elements of “situation” and “pathos” and to seek the essential core of the problem.And then the “situation” and “pathos” resources are integrated to reconcile architectural form and the regional environment into the architecture and to use“scarce” resources in coordination,thus “pathos” penetrates various sub-areas of the architecture and the coordinated solution is achieved.Finally,Aravena implements sustainable coping strategies through designing “transformable open model”,conducting “intensive instincts in all fields” and cultivating “heritable intrinsic genes”.Aravena's buildings reflects the difference between the inside and the outside,where his selection architectural forms,presupposition of space and juxtaposition of architectural details have been derived from the factual interpretation of real situations and the true fusion of intrinsic pathos.The “anti-intuitive” architectural form has been obtained on the basis of “intricate” outlines,atavistic volumes and orderly units,providing moderate stability and sense of strength.The “open”internal space has been achieved due to “precise scale”,“presupposition experience”and “overlapping space”,interpreting the poetic sentiment of tranquility and warmth.The architectural details have been accomplished in the “contrast” composition according to “specialization” of materials,“de-decoration” of components and“independence” of structure with simple and diverse visual impact.The architectural works created by Alejandro Aravena have clearly presented his ability to integrate social responsibility,economic demands,living environment and urban design,which can be the infusion of time,geography,society and culture,emotion and ethics.The creation concept derived from “situation” and “pathos” is a explicit note of Aravena's response to social and humanitarian demands,which provides a new perspective for current architectural practice with profound referential significance.The paper selects twenty-six design projects created by Aravena as the research foundation to form the research context of “idea construction-discussion on techniques-form expression”.The works created by Aravena have been analyzed and interpreted through the research methods such as descriptive historiography,interpretative historiography,etc.In the last chapter,the author reconsiders the existing problems in the architectural creation in China and intends to regard this as an opportunity to create a new perspective on the development of contemporary architectural creation to solve social problems in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Alejandro Aravena, Situation and Pathos, Restoration, Integration, Sustainability, Distinctiveness
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