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Construction Scheme Research Of Qinhuangdao City Network Automation

Posted on:2018-06-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C C LiuFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid developm ent of economy in our country,the demand for elect ric energy is increasing both in i ndustrial and residential areas,and the dema nd for power quality is als o get ting higher and higher.In order to meet people's dema nd for electricit y,a strong power grid should be built i n our country to ensure the safe and stabl e operation of distribut ion network,increase the power suppl y and ensure the qualit y of power supply.Power di stribution grid as a hair,lose,and wi th the last link,direct ly faci ng the customers,has a very im portant role in the electric power production.Theref ore,in this paper,the const ruction plan of Qin Huangdao distribut ion network automation s ystem has ca rried on the detailed a nalysis and resea rch.(1)The existing subs tat ions,swit chgear a nd RMU in Qinhuangdao urba n area a re analyzed.The first grid of Qinhuangdao urban area i s introduced,and the outlet circuit brea kers,switchgea r and R MU,The existing distribution transformer configura ti on and Qinhuangdao existing communi cation network.(2)According to the stat us quo of distribution network in Qinhua ngdao urban area,the idea of dist ribution automation construction in line with the actual situation in Qinhuangdao urba n a rea has been determined and the goal of dis tribution net work const ruction in Qinhuangdao urban area has been given.(3)The cons truction plan of power dis tribution automation in Qi nhuangdao urban area is est ablished,the real-ti me m onitoring master station s ystem of distributi on network is designed,and the construct ion plan of informa tion i nteractive platform is given.The data t ransfer unit(DTU),Feeder term inal equipment(Feeder Term inal Unit,FTU)and fa ult i ndicator of the scal e of construction;to determine the use of central ized feeder automation Qinhua ngdao distribution a utomation construction progra m.(4)The communication syst em construction scheme is given.The optical fi ber and wireless coexisting informa tion tra nsmission mode are adopted.The optical fiber communication m ode using Ethernet Pass ive Optical Network(EPON)net working mode is described in detail.This thesis can effecti vely guide the silver ci ty const ruction and implementation of distribut ion automation,dis tribution a utom ation building medium and small cities are also available for the reference for im proving the power distribut ion network ca pacity and relia bil ity is im portant.
Keywords/Search Tags:distribut ion a utomat ion, grid struct ure, monitor the main station, benefit analysis
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