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Research On Power Grid Material Storage Patterns And Distribution Optimization

Posted on:2019-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D LiuFull Text:PDF
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With the deepening of the reform of the power grid,the operation-production tasks and equipment maintenance tasks are also increasing.The establishment of a scientific and reasonable electric power warehouse and logistics network can not only improve the maintenance efficiency of power grid,but also reduce the occupation of idle materials.This paper researched the site selection and related optimization of power grid logistics distribution center in order to effectively reduce power supplies distribution cost,ensuring the timeliness of distribution and improving the power supplies unified management and allocation capacity.This paper firstly studied the power grid company supplies hierarchical storage mode and its optimization of distribution center location.According to the material storage and management of power grid companies,and gives the three storage mode: province regional library,and turnover of city library,city library.Based on virtual technology and time satisfaction inventory to determine appropriate grid supplies distribution center location selection,constructing the grid supplies distribution center site selection optimization mathematical model,using immune algorithm to solve the optimal location results are obtained.Then studied the grid material classification storage mode and warehouse layout optimization.Storing materials classified as: large change on infrastructure,technology,marketing materials,spare parts and scrap materials.And based on the frequency of delivery and storage warehouse layout optimization,all kinds of material storage location plane division results are given.Finally studied the grid material distribution pattern and distribution route optimization.Proposed considering material demand characteristics and the response to the ponderance and reasonable scheduling suppliers,third party logistics and its own distribution resources,select differentiation distribution mode.Material distribution route optimization mathematical model is established,the minimum vehicle transportation costs as the goal,using heuristic algorithm to get the most distribution route.Power distribution system based on ARCGIS developed software,starting from the actual demand of power supplies,developed from the basic information set to goods delivery management,distribution route generation,in the end of the visual display,can make the operation personnel according to the actual operation process,ensure the distribution of efficient power supplies.
Keywords/Search Tags:power material, logistics distribution center, site selection, optimization
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