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Chinese Traditional Cloud Patterns Applied In The Research Of Modern Interior Design

Posted on:2019-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese traditional cloud patterns is one of the representatives of auspicious patterns of the Chinese nation,has a long history,diverse and personalized culture symbol is one of its characteristics,has multiple meaning good moral and cultural memory.Often appear in the design of modern all kinds of moire figure,such as logo design,packaging design,architectural design can have a variety of moire as design ideas of the new design,interior design is no exception.Both domestic space and the design of public space,The Times can find auspicious moire pattern,although we have a lot of moire in practice using examples,but for the moire in modern interior design in the field of applied research is few.This paper introduces the application of traditional cloud patterns in modern interior design from four parts.The moire is formed by the natural phenomena,and the people's hobbies and wishes in different times have become the artistic symbols of different forms and aesthetic senses.The paper first discusses the origin and evolution of traditional cloud patterns and modern interior design.Sum up the traditional cloud patterns behind the history of the history of the development and cultural implication and value,the analysis of general situation of the use of cloud patterns in traditional architecture,to demonstrate cloud patterns in the application of interior design has a long history.At the same time,the development history of modern interior design is briefly introduced,and the possibility of the application of cloud patterns in modern interior design is introduced.Second,the application value and technique of cloud patterns in modern interior design.This chapter mainly analyzes the aesthetic principle and aesthetic thought,emotional value and cultural value of cloud patterns in interior design.Using the method of case analysis of cloud patterns combined with a new technology of new technology in the modern interior design can use which new design methods,and general technical means complete,to beautify the indoor environment,let the aesthetic connotation and the practical function of the demand of the modern interior decoration design.Third,the application of Chinese traditional cloud patterns in modern interior space and furnishings.The requirement for interior design of modern people is light decoration heavy adornment,so for interior design,interior design is also the main scene of design.This paper discusses the application of cloud grain in ceiling,wall,ground and partition,in lighting,furniture,textiles and other furnishings.Points out that the global culture integration in the modern society,Chinese traditional cloud patterns should inherit the traditional development and innovation,from the connotation of the Chinese traditional cloud patterns,in the form,method of performance,performance range of Chinese traditional cloud patterns,reduce the appearance of a single copy.The importance of traditional Chinese traditional cloud patterns in modern interior design is confirmed,and some thoughts on the combination of cloud pattern and modern interior design are also given.Common development of the global economy and culture has become an indisputable fact that,for their unique culture spread around the world,is a kind of comprehensive strength,the traditional culture played an important role in this moment,due to the precipitation of a country and nation history of art and culture.Inheriting the traditions and Chinese traditional cloud patterns means thinking in the modern way of thinking to study traditional culture,and make innovation,only familiar with the traditional culture and to research the technique of modern interior design to the traditional Chinese traditional cloud patterns better use in the modern interior design,national is the world,this is what this article research significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:cloud patterns, interior design, decoration, application
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