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A Research On V2G Schedule Strategy Based On Dynamic Electricity Price

Posted on:2019-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
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With energy imbalance between supply and demand,how to rationalize the reduction of wind power should be paid great attention by academia and governments.In addition,the promotion of electrified transport and the gradual replacement of"substitution coal for oil" with " substitution electricity for oil" helps to alleviate the imbalance of traditional fossil fuels in energy structure and achieve the macro-vision of energy conservation and emission reduction.To realize the electrification of transportation,Vehicle-to-Grid(V2G)technology is booming.When the electric vehicles(EVs)are on a large-scale grid-connected network,they store the surplus power of the grid when the load is low,and feed the grid when the load is high,thereby realizing peak clipping and valley filling and effectively regulating the output of the traditional thermal power.However,due to the fact that load demand of EVs has the characteristics of spatiotemporal distribution at random,the scale of grid interconnection may threaten the safety and economy of grid operation.In view of the phenomenon of "peak-on-peak" generated by V2G,an incentive mechanism of time-of-use price may be adopted to guide the user to shift the willingness to charge from peak period to valley period,so as to achieve a reasonable schedule.Therefore,it is of both theoretical and practical significance to study the charging and discharging strategies of electric vehicles based on time-of-use pricing for access to a renewable power and conventional thermal power system.This article mainly works on the following aspects:Chapter one views the current situation of the development of electric vehicles at home and abroad,and summarizes various laws and regulations and economic support measures proposed in the United States,Europe,Japan.The five important stages of the development of EV industry in our country have also been sorted out.Chapter two discusses the four factors affecting large-scale grid integration of electric vehicles including grid-connected scale,battery characteristics,charging methods and user travel habits.Based on the principle of Monte Carlo and the typical load of a typical day of a specific city,the effect of disorderly grid-connected large-scale electric vehicles is simulated and analyzed.The result shows that the peak-to-valley difference has increased by 1.67%after 10 thousand electric vehicles are unorganized and connected,which has also increases the load fluctuationChapter three proposes bi-level scheduling model based on time-of-use price mechanism,a bi-level decision-making mechanism based on system operators and regional agencies,a two-way information circulation mechanism,and the convergence of optimization is proved by KKT condition,Lipschitz continuous condition and the compression mapping theorem.Chapter four simulates and analyzes the strategy proposed in the previous chapter,and uses a test system as the background,with 6 thermal units and 2 wind units.Based on the typical load of a specific city,a residential area,a commercial area,and an industrial area are used as load areas for large-scale EVs connection simulation.The result shows that the scheduling strategy proposed in this paper can effectively reduces the peak load and contributes to the security and stability of the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:V2G, time-of-use price, charging and discharging strategy, double-layer optimization
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