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Research On Modern Church Architecture In Northern Anhui

Posted on:2019-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T JiangFull Text:PDF
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During the six years since the Qing Emperor Shunzhi was ruled,the German missionary Tang Ruowang started his missionary work in Wuhe County.Christianity has been teaching in Anhui for three to four hundred years.During this period,the northern Fujian region has formed a number of modern church buildings rich in regional features with its special geographical location,rich natural resources,and long history and culture,combined with Western architectural culture brought by missionaries.As a historical witness to the influence of multiculturalism in northern Fujian,the modern church architecture in northern Fujian Province reflects the characteristics of the evolution of church architecture in the underdeveloped regions of China's interior.It is also a real testimony of the development of church architecture in the northern part of Anhui Province.Research significance and research value.Church buildings include churches built by the church and schools funded by the church,hospitals,and missionary residences.By reading various local historical records and reading a large amount of information,the author combed the history of the modern church's spread and construction in northern Fujian Province in the northern part of the country,and formed an overall understanding of the construction,development,and use of modern churches in northern Fujian.On this basis,the first-hand information on the distribution,construction age,and current status of the existing modern church architecture in the northern part of Chongqing was compiled and plotted.Then through field research,and selecting some of the typical buildings,the analysis of their architectural layout,architectural style,detailed structure and building technology,etc.,analyzes the architectural cultural exchanges between China and the West in the modern church architecture in northern Fujian.In the end,the thesis summarizes the evolution and development of the modern church architecture in the northern part of Anhui Province from the motivations of the development of the church architecture,the architectural features of the evolution process,and the influence of the regional architectural culture on its evolution process.Provide a preliminary theoretical reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Northern Anhui, ecclesiastical architecture, flat layout, styling style, feature evolution
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