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The Application Of Manchu Cultural Elements In The Dining Space Design

Posted on:2018-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
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In recent years,with the development of society and the continuous improvement of people's quality of life,and promote the continuous development of China's catering industry.From the consumer point of view,food and beverage space from the people to meet the "full" requirements to "eat" requirements.In the material needs have been greatly satisfied,the consumer demand for food space is the food hygiene and safety requirements.Nowadays,people put the dining space not only as a place to eat,but also become friends,family communication between the feelings of the place,but also in the spare time,while dining can also relax in the dining space their own body and mind,from the city Pressure to pull out,the use of dining time to experience the spirit of the restaurant to meet people.Because of this,people on the space of the cultural atmosphere requirements are getting higher and higher.From the operator's point of view,the growing competition for food and beverage space,a better dining space is not just food to attract customers,food space environment is also an important factor.A restaurant environment superior to other competitors can give customers a good impression,will make more consumers come to patronize the benign market share.The design of the dining space environment is based on the traditional culture of our country and the culture of ethnic minorities in our country,so that our country's profound national culture makes the dining space rich in vitality in the cultural background[1].In Manchu is an important part of the Chinese culture,the Manchu culture is an important part of the Chinese culture.Since the Manchu period,it has become the leading culture of the Chinese nation.To the poor people loved to see a minority culture.Manchu culture affects everyone we are today.Manchu culture in the Manchu architecture,paper cutting,furniture and so on elements are representative of the Manchu culture is an important element,but also reflects the Manchu people's customs and an important element.In today's social material great meet the conditions,people's pursuit of culture is also increasingly strong.People have a strong interest in the Manchu culture,and our designers not only to make a better design,we also have the responsibility to carry forward our national culture,and Manchu culture is our best entry point.The whole paper focuses on the combination of Manchu cultural elements and dining space design.First of all,before the design,the overall business model of catering space,the target population to do an accurate understanding of the Manchu cultural elements to do a lot of Collect research to find representative elements.Through the modern design approach to its innovation,to more adapt to the decoration of the dining space,in the process of innovation we want to ensure that the Manchu cultural elements of the subjective expression of the same circumstances,to be more in line with modern design.According to the different business operations,in the overall space layout,lighting,color,theme and other aspects of the control of the entire space atmosphere,so that it conforms to the practical application of space.Finally visited Shenyang,Beijing,Jilin and other places,visit the Manchu cultural elements of the theme of the restaurant such as "Shenyang eight bowl","Shenyang Daqing dumplings Museum","Beijing lion forest hot pot","Jilin Lane" and other places,to learn And learn from.In the fourth chapter we take the"Shenyang eight bowl","Shenyang Daqinghua dumplings Museum" two dining space as an example,the depth of the analysis.This will allow people to experience the Manchu cultural elements in the dining space in the dining space to play on the impact of space culture,but also allow customers to have a certain understanding of the Manchu culture,making our Manchu culture to inherit and carry forward The From the design point of view,we will study how to follow our Manchu cultural elements and innovation,to be more rational application to our dining space.
Keywords/Search Tags:dining space, interior design, Manchu cultural elements, Manchu style design
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