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Soft Material In The Application Of The Variable Space

Posted on:2019-12-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S D HuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern design,soft materials by the majority of designers love,in the design of works,the application of soft materials is also very extensive.It can be said that soft materials provide more possibilities for design activities because of their unique characteristics and modeling features.In today's fast-paced,high-intensity living environment,people are wrapped in cold steel reinforced concrete,sense of distance and indifference filled with modern life.Soft materials timely change this situation,because of its form and the effect of diversity,can cause people comfortable,warm aesthetic psychology,therefore has rich artistic expression of soft materials often praiseworthy.It can be said that soft materials have unique expressive force,from ancient times to the present,soft materials are closely related to our life.In today's background,progress and diversification of art and science has enriched the soft material expressive language,different materials are emerge in an endless stream change has increased,although the material selection and design art designers,however the expression form and we still need further research.Today,the design of soft materials is more and more,and the application of space also presents a variety of tendencies.When we study the application of soft materials in space,we can better apply the soft material in the design and creation practice,and the performance is more perfect.In this paper,through the analysis of lots of practical applications,capable of soft material form and the effect of classification and comparison,also can in my creative practice in the properties of soft materials to grasp,design works will also be more in line with the design target design ideas and expectations.
Keywords/Search Tags:soft materials, variable space, forms of expression, Application Research
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