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Design And Implementation Of General Simulation Platform For Avionics System

Posted on:2019-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2382330545965571Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Simulation technology has shown great advantages in the process of aircraft development because of its real time and authenticity.It ensures most of the missions and is equivalent to the brain of the aircraft.This paper aims to design and implement a general simulation platform for avionics systems to meet various types of user requirements and to change the company's internal avionics system simulation methods.It has contributed to improving the integration capabilities of China's avionics systems.This general simulation platform system is designed for Windows system architecture and the QT development framework which improves the universality and extensibility of the system.By analyzing product and user characteristics,the author divided the system into four modules and implemented each of them.Card management module is the default interface after the software started.Users can view the number of existing board software in the platform software,check the specific information of the card,upgrade the firmware,start and stop the simulation operation according to the needs.Configuration management module mainly includes adding and deleting for boards or channels,importing files,exporting files,configuring delivery and help functions.For each type of board-card,the software can configure the corresponding receiving and sending channels,each receiving channel can only receive the correct data by the matched channel.Data storage module achieves export filtered data and saves it to the specified path.For each stored data file,the software supports users to re import and view all the stored data to facilitate offline analysis.Data monitoring module is designed to facilitate the real-time data monitoring of the cabin instrument control on the aircraft.Its function is to provide the cockpit instrument and data view for data monitoring.The result of system business function verification shows that the system meets the function requirements.The release of this system will change the method within the company,provide a better user experience for customers,show good stability and reliability in performance and bring big benefits for the company.
Keywords/Search Tags:Avionics System, Simulation Test, General Utilization
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