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Study On Ecological Control Of Windbreak And Sand Fixation

Posted on:2021-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330611952656Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Land desertification is one of the environmental problems.Land desertification leads to soil erosion,resource constraints,and ecosystem degradation.If it is not stopped in time,it will necessarily restrict economic and social development.The 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China also raised the ecological civilization construction and ecological environmental protection to an unprecedented strategic height.This is a new pattern of promoting the harmonious development of man and nature.The quality of environmental governance is related to a series of economic,social and people's livelihood issues.Whether it can effectively manage the environment and restore the ecology has become the focus of inevitable attention.Among them,the northwestern Liaoning area represented by F has become the most serious area of wind and sand.The cities of northwestern Liaoning have jointly dealt with the problem of wind and sand,and have used a number of methods.Scientific planning,policy guidance by government entities,adherence to the rule of law,and strengthening of management are all worthy of recognition.However,we cannot rely solely on the help of government entities,and such governance efficiency will be affected.In the long run,there is still a need to unite more power.This paper is based on the network governance theory of Stephen Goldsmith and William D.Eggs for the prevention of wind and sand fixation.Discuss the current situation of wind and sand problems in F City and the problems in the governance process.Among them,the literature method,quantitative analysis method,qualitative analysis method and inductive summarization method are mainly used to deeply explore the wind and sand problem in F City and give corresponding solutions.This article is divided into five parts.The first part introduces the theoretical significance,practical significance,research methods,research ideas and innovation points of sand control.The second part elaborates on related concepts and theories.The third part discusses the status quo and problems of wind and sand management in F City.The fourth part combines the theory of networked governance to analyze the causes based on the problem.The last part gives the solutions and countermeasures to adapt to the wind andsand management in F City based on the problem and cause analysis.Sandstorm management is closely related to our lives.Sandstorm management not only affects people's daily travel,but also concerns the relationship between people and nature in a region and the whole country.If the problem of improper governance will greatly restrict the progress of society and the effective development of the economy,it is not conducive to the advancement of the concept of socialist civilization and the realization of the goal of beautiful China.Therefore,the current promotion of wind and sand-fixing ecological management in F City is not only the result of adapting to the development of the times,but also the analysis of the contradiction of current problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wind, Government Networked governance
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