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Gold Mine Pollution Types And Treatment Methods

Posted on:2020-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N P WanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330596473838Subject:Environmental Science and Engineering
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China has a long history of gold mining and is one of the first countries in the world to recognize and exploit gold.China's gold deposits are characterized by the highest reserves in the world,but their per capita occupancy is small,and their resources are widely distributed.However,the proven geological reserves are relatively centralized and the average total resources of each deposit are small;the ore bodies are various in shape.There are many high-grade deposits,small and medium-sized ore deposits,and there are few large-scale deposits,and the proportion of associated gold ore reserves is large.Therefore,the common types of gold mine pollution include atmospheric dust,heavy metal and organic pollutants in water and soil.At present,the main process for gold extraction is the use of cyanide gold,the process will produce a large number of cyanide-containing wastewater and tailings,waste slag,etc.,while the environmental pollution caused by the "three small" gold extraction methods(e.g.small ball mill,small amalgamated grinding and small cyanide pond gold extraction)are most serious.The current types of gold mine pollution mainly include organic and inorganic pollution.Biological nano film dust suppression technology,cloud dust suppression technology and wet dust collection technology are commonly used for reducing the atmospheric dust.Water pollution treatment technologies include adsorption,flocculation and sedimentation,and membrane separation.The treatment methods of contaminated soil contain: soil drainage,soil improvement and chemical passivation.At the same time,due to the large-scale exploitation of gold resources,easy-to-elect metallurgical mines are increasingly reduced,and high-sulfur,high-arsenic refractory gold ore is currently the main ore.Orion,estradiol andarsenopyrite are the most common arsenic-containing minerals in nature.Often associated with gold minerals,the disposal of such gold ore will produce a large amount of waste water containing sulfur and arsenic and heavy metal residues,resulting in serious environmental pollution of the mining area and surrounding soil.At present,the environmental problem caused by gold mining is the environmental problem of various pollutants.Among different remediation technologies,physical technologies often have high cost.For example,the technology for soil upgrading requires the use of expensive mechanical equipment.At the same time,pollutants in contaminated soil have not been completely removed,and the potential risks are relatively high.However,the remediation efficiency of biotechnology is too low,and it is easily affected by climate and environmental conditions,making it difficult to achieve the goal.Therefore,the application of chemical extraction or cleaning technology is currently recognized as a widely used soil pollution remediation technology in the world.As early as 1992,this technology has been successfully used in the United States.However,at present,China's remediation technology in this area started soon.One of the reasons for the lag is that the cost is relatively high.The cost per ton of soil is 120 to 200 US dollars,and the chemical stabilization technology is only about 100 US dollars per ton.However,the serious environmental pollution problem is bound to be a stumbling block for the development of the national economy.It is an inevitable trend to repair the environmental pollution problem of gold mines.The future research on gold mine pollution should be focused on the following aspects:(1)Further study and analysis of the main types of environmental pollution and the existing forms of pollutants in different types of gold deposits.Analyze and study the pollution of different types of gold deposits.(2)More researchers should broadly focus on searching for new chemical remediation agents that are easily available,cheap,and highly efficient,and that are not likely to cause secondary pollutions;(3)Further research will be conducted on the combination of different repair methods for improving the efficiency of repairs;(4)Reduce the cost of repair technology through the combination of optimization of various technical processes.Due to the complex reasons for the gold mine pollutions and the large number of types of pollutants,it is urgently necessary to sort out and summarize the main causes of gold mine pollution in China and to classify and collate the correspondinggovernance methods.At the same time,there are very few studies on the types of gold ore pollution and the corresponding treatment methods at home and abroad.Therefore,it is necessary to summarize the gold pollution types and their corresponding treatment methods.At the same time,it can provide reference for the governance of the gold mine pollution problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:gold mines, pollution types, biochemical remediation, physical remediation
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