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Design And Implementation Of Expected Benefit Analysis System For Tobacco Factory

Posted on:2020-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330578465142Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays,information technology has been greatly developed,and comp uter-re la ted' technology has penetrated into various industries.In the process of continuous operation and development of enterprises,massive amounts of data information have been generated.At present,the main research direction is how to extract hidden knowledge from these massive data,so as to provide theoretical support for enterprises to make major decisions,making decision-making efficient,scientific and reasonab e.In recent years,the informationization construction of tobacco industry enterprises has been continuously developed and achieved remarkable results.For the continuous and stable operation of enterprises,most of them have established relatively complete intranets.However,for most tobacco industry enterprises,most of the current information applications are simply statistical analysis of business data information,which cannot meet the increasing demands of enterprises.Therefore,in order to improve the market share of tobacco industry enterprises and their core competitiveness,it is necessary to conduct in-depth analysis and research on a large amount of data information that tobacco companies have generated for a long time,in order to maximize the use of limited resources and reduce costs.To imrove the economic efficiency of enterprises.At the same time,the tobacco industry enterprise database contains a lot of historical information.The work of this paper is to use the forecasting technology in data mining to analyze historical data and find valuable knowledge hidden inside.This implicit knowledge can provide theoretical basis for enterprise managers to make major decisions.Optimize the predictive model to achieve better predictive results,main tasks as follows:Study the theoretical knowledge of data mining technology,and the current status of tobacco industry enterprises,how to use data mining technology to provide supporting decision-making for tobacco industry enterprises.Study the existing design methods of predictive analysis,analyze and discuss their respective advantages and disadvantages,and combine the above research to analyze and design a suitable solution for this topic.The existing forecasting model is improved and applied to the expected benefit analysis system of the tobacco factory with high precision.
Keywords/Search Tags:Data mining, Grey prediction, Tobacco factory benefits
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