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Participation Of Dive Guides For Supporting Sustainable Coastal Ecosystem

Posted on:2019-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Muhammad Hussein ZabidiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330545483452Subject:Ocean affairs
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Indonesia is a favorite country of marine tourism.One of the famous islands with the beauty of natural ecosystem and underwater life is Karimunjawa Islands which located in Jepara district,Central Java Province,Indonesia.Recorded in 2016 the number of visitation in Karimunjawa islands reach 118,301 visitors.This number increased from 2012 that recorded 58,638 visitors.This increase has a positive impact on economic growth.In addition,the high number of tourists adversely affects the coral reef ecosystem.Recorded by Wildlife Conservation Society(WCS)Indonesia there is a decrease in the number of cover coral percentage in Karimunjawa islands from 2012 to 2016.The decrease of coral cover is caused by massive tourism activity and less environmentally friendly.Based on observations,coral reef damage is caused by two of the diving activities,Snorkelling and SCUBA.Diving behaviour has an impact because of fins kicking,sediment stirring,and holding onto substrate or coral,etc.The HPI(Indonesian Tour Guide Association)is aware that reducing the coral damage requires the support of all members by participating in supporting sustainable tourism activities.These include coral transplantation,mangrove plantation,avoid visitor to visiting shark captivity,sign and warn plank builds,etc.Such support occurs randomly and unevenly.Most ecotourism in natural areas today is not eco-friendly and is not,therefore,sustainable.The ecotourism is distinguished by its emphasis on education,conservation,traveller responsibility as a tourist,and community participation as a host.The problem is come from host and tourist,because this era,ecotourism just for branding the tourism destination and they are not understand how to make "nature-based tourism".The ecotourism based on accompaniment management can be used to reduce the impact of damage caused by Indonesian tourism industry,especially in Karimunjawa Islands.The support from the central government also needed to conserve coastal ecosystems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dive behaviour, Dive guides, Karimunjawa, Marine ecotourism, Sustainable
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