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Air Quality And Works' Compensation Incentives

Posted on:2019-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L YuFull Text:PDF
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In recent years,as the US Embassy in China self-measured the occurrence of the PM2.5 "explosion" incident,the topic of environmental quality is once again aroused widespread concern in academia and the community.Then,the report of the 19 th National Congress pointed out that the construction of ecological civilization is a grand project of the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and must adhere to the harmonious co-existence between man and nature.It can be seen that the environmental issue has become the top priority for the party and the government.Environmental quality problems not only affect people's health behavior,and even affect people's decision-making behavior.In the face of a worsening environment,will ordinary employees,as important human capital in enterprises,make decisions about their behavior? Based on this,based on the interaction between macro external environment and micro-enterprise behavior,this paper studies the impact of air quality as a nonmonetary benefit on employee compensation incentive by using the urban-level air quality data.The relevant research conclusions show that air quality is an important non-monetary benefit of employees and is replaced with monetary compensation.Based on this conclusion,the following conclusions are drawn:(1)The worse the air quality of the listed company,the higher the salary level of its employees;(2)The sense of rights protection and industry characteristics of employees in the region where the company is located has a certain reinforcing effect on the negative correlation between air quality and employee compensation;(3)Further explored the implicit guarantee role of property rights and the company's ability to pay for The impact of the relationship,the results show that non-state-owned enterprises have a greater impact,higher levels of cash holding companies,they are better able to bear the employees' "environmental injury compensation";(4)expanded inquiry into the air quality and employee compensation The linear relationship and the impact of the "Labor Contract Law",the relevant conclusions are in line with expectations.(5)To explore the endogenous problems and robustness of this paper,the robustness results are consistent with the main conclusions and theoretical predictions,indicating that the conclusions of this study are robust.The main innovations of this paper are:(1)From the perspective of research perspective,from the perspective of non-monetary benefits of employees,the extension of research on employee incentives has been broadened,and it also corroborates the assertion that “Green Mountain is Jinshan Yinshan Mountain”;2)From the perspective of research content,empirical studies related to management using economics,psychology,and law and other related theoretical foundations not only help to build new employee compensation incentive mechanisms,but also deepen interdisciplinary theories to some extent.The integration will help enrich the scope of research in management;(3)From the perspective of the research field,most of the previous discussions on employee compensation are from the perspective of macroeconomics,policies,and micro-finance and corporate governance,and this paper integrates the macro-natural environment.The connection of micro-enterprise behaviors provides new research ideas and directions for micro-related corporate behaviors,which may contribute to the development of discipline theory.The significance of this article to disciplinary theory and management practice lies in:(1)Theoretically speaking,the study found that air quality is a non-monetary benefit of employees,which not only expands the literature on non-monetary benefits of employees,but also enriches employee compensation.The research literature on the impact of influencing factors and air quality on micro-enterprise behavior;(2)Practically speaking,it not only provided empirical evidence for corporate management practices,but also provided theoretical support for the government's environmental governance work and was proposed for the 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.The "green mountains are Jinshan Yinshan" provided evidence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Air quality, Employee compensation, Non-monetary incentives, Protection of workers' interests
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