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Research Of The Trade Effect With China's Foreign Mining Direct Investment

Posted on:2019-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X BaiFull Text:PDF
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Since China joined the world trade organization(WTO),the continuous development of international trade,foreign direct investment also increases,and the relationship between foreign direct investment and international trade is the focus of experts and scholars at home and abroad research subject.Traditional studies,most scholars research on foreign investment promoting effect of export trade,more focus on the investment in the host country of foreign direct investment alternative and complementary role of the country's export trade.With the increase of direct investment,the change of the international trade relations,more and more scholars pay more attention to the investment home study,through the trade gravity model to study FDI import and export trade of the country of investment effect.China's foreign mining investment is expanding continuously,and China's direct investment in foreign mining industry is the third largest foreign investment industry in China,and it has become an important component of China's foreign direct investment.Australia is rich in mineral resources,showing an oversupply phenomenon,and can provide coal,copper,iron ore and other resources.Because of the lack of a large number of mineral resources in our country,and with Australia industrial structure exist good complementarity,so China for Australia increased mining investment scale,the rise in the number of investment.In addition,the type of enterprises participating in the mining investment of Australia is constantly rich,and the mining investment presents diversified characteristics.Combination of theory and empirical analysis,this paper USES econometric model analysis of China's trade effect on mining investment Australia,empirical analysis prove the existence of mining investment directly trade creation effect for a long time,and contact with trade integration of constantly strengthened.Through empirical analysis of measurement model can be found that China's mining for Australia and Australia in the trade between the two countries have a long complementary effect of mine China for Australia mining investment scale,to promote the development of Australia in the trade between the two countries.Therefore,China should expand the mining investment scale of China to Australia through various measures,so as to increase the efficiency and benefit of investment.Based on this,this paper analyzes the advantages and problems of China's mining investment in Australia,and puts forward some Suggestions and measures aimed at promoting the investment efficiency and promoting trade development in China.In order to improve China's trade effect on Australia mining investment,it needs to be improved from two aspects: national and enterprise.First of all,at the national level,we should establish an overall strategy for mining investment in Australia,accelerate the development of competitive multinational companies,and explore a broader space for investment and development.Secondly,at the enterprise level,enterprises should be able to carefully deal with the mining investment in Australia country,fully investigate before investment,choose investment mode flexibly,and cultivate international talents.
Keywords/Search Tags:International mining investment, Trade effect, Countermeasures
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