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2012?2016 Monitoring And Analysis Of Some Common Indicators Of Drinking Water In Rural Areas In Zouping

Posted on:2019-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2371330545454296Subject:Public Health
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Objective:Water is the material base to maintain survival and development of human and all the life drinking water safety and health is a measure of social-economic development and an important indicator of the human health.In recent years,it is mentioned to construct new socialist countryside,and water and environmental hygiene construction are highly valued.Zouping will guarantee the rural drinking water health and safety as one of the new medical reform,and one of the key tasks of "1025"planning.To be adopted by this study to understand that the basic situation of the rural drinking water in 2012-?2016 in Zouping:the quality differences of the rural drinking water between dry season and wet season in 2012?2016 in Zouping;the quality differences of the rural drinking water between dry season and wet season among different years in Zouping;to provide a basis for the relevant departments to develop drinking water related policy and measures.Methods:1.Sample collection1.1 Develop questionnaireEach monitoring point to investigate the basic conditions,to investigate the types of water source,the water processing mode and the form of sanitizing in Zouping.1.2 Select monitoring pointsWater supply points were selected in rural areas in Zouping as monitoring points,the numbers of monitoring points were 36and 31 in 2014.1.3 Sample collection Both test I time in dry season and wet period.2.Sample testing2.1 Test index35 drinking water indicators of all collected water sample were tested.They are Chroma,turbidity,odor and taste,visible to the naked eye,pH,aluminium,iron,manganese,copper,zinc,chloride,sulfate,dissolved total solids,total hardness,oxygen consumption,volatile pHenol,anionic synthetic detergents,ammonia,nitrogen,arsenic,cadmium,Six valency chromium,lead,Mercury,selenium,cyanide,fluoride,nitrate,trichloromethane,carbon tetrachloride,chlorate,chlorate,total coliform,heat-resistant group,Total number of coliforms,Escherichia coli and colonies.2.2Test MethodTesting is carried out in accordance with the methods set out in the GB/T5750-2006 Standard Test Method for Drinking Water.3.Statistical analysisThe data base was entering by Microsoft office 2010 excel and analyzed by IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0.Results:1.Monitoring results in 20121.1 Monitoring results in dry seasonThe sensory traits and general chemical indicators pass rate of rural areas drinking water in Zouping city is 47.2%,the toxicology indicators pass rate is 44.4%,the microbial indicators pass rate is 72.7%.The main indicators of failure and the pass rate of rural drinking water in Zouping city are total hardness(47.2%),fluoride(50.0%),total dissolved solids(55.6%).1.2 Monitoring results in wet seasonThe sensory traits and general chemical indicators pass rate of rural areas drinking water in Zouping city is 44.4%,the toxicology indicators pass rate is 50.0%,the microbial indicators pass rate is 97.2%.The main indicators of failure and the pass rate of rural drinking water in Zouping city are total hardness(47.2%),total dissolved solids(50.0%),fluoride(55.6%).1.3The comparison of the total resultsThe comparison of the total pass rate in different seasons had no significant difference in two groups(X2=0.760 P=0.383).2.Monitoring results in 20132.1 Monitoring results in dry seasonThe sensory traits and general chemical indicators pass rate of rural areas drinking water in Zouping city is 63.9%,the toxicology indicators pass rate is 94.4%,the microbial indicators pass rate is 61.1%.The main indicators of failure and the pass rate of rural drinking water in Zouping city are total dissolved solids(63.9%),total number of colonies(69.4%),total coliform group(75.0%).2.2 Monitoring results in wet seasonThe sensory traits and general chemical indicators pass rate of rural areas drinking water in Zouping city is 55.6%,the toxicology indicators pass rate is 91.7%,the microbial indicators pass rate is 61.1%.The main indicators of failure and the pass rate of rural drinking water in Zouping city are total dissolved solids(61.1%),total number of colonies(61.1%),total hardness(66.7%).2.3 The comparison of the total resultsThe comparison of the total pass rate in different seasons had no significant difference in two groups(X2=0.173 P=0.677).3.Monitoring results in 20143.1 Monitoring results in dry seasonThe sensory traits and general chemical indicators pass rate of rural areas drinking water in Zouping city is 74.2%,the toxicology indicators pass rate is 80.6%,the microbial indicators pass rate is 90.3%.The main indicators of failure and the pass rate of rural drinking water in Zouping city are sulpuate(80.6%),chloride(83.9%),total dissolved solids(87.1%).3.2 Monitoring results in wet seasonThe sensory traits and general chemical indicators pass rate of rural areas drinking water in Zouping city is 74.2%,the toxicology indicators pass rate is 80.6%,the microbial indicators pass rate is 80.6%.The main indicators of failure and the pass rate of rural drinking water in Zouping city are sulpuate(80.6%),total number of colonies(80.6%),chloride(83.9%).3.3 The comparison of the total resultsThe comparison of the total pass rate in different seasons had no significant difference in two groups(x2= 1.620 P=0.203).4.Monitoring results in 20154.1 Monitoring results in dry seasonThe sensory traits and general chemical indicators pass rate of rural areas drinking water in Zouping city is 63.9%,the toxicology indicators pass rate is 83.3%,the microbial indicators pass rate is 61.1%.The main indicators of failure and the pass rate of rural drinking water in Zouping city are total dissolved solids(83.3%),total number of colonies(86.1%),total coliform group(86.1%).4.2 Monitoring results in wet seasonThe sensory traits and general chemical indicators pass rate of rural areas drinking water in Zouping city is 63.9%,the toxicology indicators pass rate is 80.6%,the microbial indicators pass rate is 61.1%.The main indicators of failure and the pass rate of rural drinking water in Zouping city are sulpuate(80.6%).total dissolved solids(83.3%),total hardness(86.1%).4.3 The comparison of the total resultsThe comparison of the total pass rate in different seasons had no significant difference in two groups.5.Monitoring results in 20165.1.Monitoring results in dry seasonThe sensory traits and general chemical indicators pass rate of rural areas drinking water in Zouping city is 91.7%,the toxicology indicators pass rate is 88.9%,the microbial indicators pass rate is 83.3%.The main indicators of failure and the pass rate of rural drinking water in Zouping city are total coliform group(88.9%),number of colonies(91.7%),sulpuate(91.7%).5.2 Monitoring results in wet seasonThe sensory traits and general chemical indicators pass rate of rural areas drinking water in Zouping city is 72.2%,the toxicology indicators pass rate is 83.3%,the microbial indicators pass rate is 75.0%.The main indicators of failure and the pass rate of rural drinking water in Zouping city are total coliform group(75.0%),aluminium(80.6%),total hardness(91.7%).5.3 The comparison of the total resultsThe comparison of the total pass rate in different seasons showed that the rate ofdry season(72.2%)was higher than that in wet period(41.7%)(X2=6.854 P=0.009).6.Comparison of comprehensive water quality from 2012 to 20166.1 The comparison of monitoring result of dry seasonThe comparison of the total pass rate in different years showed that the sensory properties and chemical index(x2=16.298 P<0.05),the toxicology indicators(x2=11.871 P<0.05),the microbiological indicators(X2=4.695 P<0.05)and the total water quality had significant difference in dry seasons.6.2 The comparison of monitoring results of wet seasonThe comparison of the total pass rate in different years showed that the sensory properties and chemical index(X2=8.567 P<0.05),the toxicology indicators(X2=5.961 P<0.05)had significant difference in wet seasons.The microbiological indicators and the total water quality had no significant difference in wet seasons.6.3 The comparison of monitoring results6.3.1 The sensory traits and general chemical indexesThe sensory traits and general chemical indicators pass rate of rural areas drinking water in the year of 2012?2016 in Zouping city is 67.1%.The pass rate of dry season was 70.3%and wet season was 64.0%.The comparison of the total pass rate in differentseasons showed that the sensory properties and chemical index(X2=1.567 P=0.211)had no significant difference in different years.6.3.2 The toxicology indicatorsThe toxicology indicators pass rate of rural areas drinking water in the year of 2012-2016 in Zouping city is 77.7%.The pass rate of dry season was 78.3%and wet season was 77.1%.The comparison of the total pass rate in different seasons showed the toxicology indicators(x2=0.066 P=0.797)had no significant difference in different years.6.3.3 The microbiological indicatorsThe microbial indicators pass rate of rural areas drinking water in the year of 2012?2016 in Zouping city is 78.8%.The pass rate of dry season was 78.3%and wet season was 79.4%.The comparison of the total pass rate in different seasons showed the microbiological indicators(x2=0.069 P=0.793)had no significant difference in different years.6.3.4 The total water qualityThe total water quality pass rate of rural areas drinking water in the year of 2012-2016 in Zouping city is 44.3%.The pass rate of dry season was 48.0%and in wet season was 40.6%.The comparison of the total pass rate in different seasons showed the total water quality(X2=1.957 P=0.162)had no significant difference in different years.The comparison of the total pass rate in different years showed that the total water quality(X2=17.014 P<0.05),the sensory properties and chemical index(X2=24.916 P<0.05),the toxicology indicators(X2=18.424 P<0.05)had significant difference in the year of 2012-2016 in Zouping city.The microbiological indicators a quality had no significant difference(x2= 0.673 P=0.412)in the year of 2012-2016 in Zouping city..Conclusions:1.The comparison of the total pass rate in different years showed that the sensory properties and chemical index,the toxicology indicators had better than last year.The quality of drinking water is much better than before.This shows that the overall effect of rural drinking water safety project is significant in Zouping county.The government's measures to improve drinking water quality have achieved remarkable results.2.The main indicators of failure and the pass rate of rural drinking water in Zouping city are sulpuate,total dissolved solids and total hardness,which need some departments take targeted measures to ensure the safety of rural drinking water.3.The main reason of microbial contamination of rural drinking water in Zouping city is that most small central water supply facilities do not effectively purity and's likely to cause an outbreak of intestinal infection if a pathogen pollutes the water supply.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zouping city, drinking water In rural areas, 2012—2016, dry season, wet period, monitoring
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