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Research On Anti-Ramsey Numbers

Posted on:2020-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A subgraph H of an edge-colored graph G is rainbow if all of its edges have different colors.The anti-Ramsey number Ar?G,H?is defined as the maximum number k that there is no rainbow copy of H in k edge-coloring.The anti-Ramsey number was first studied by Erd?s et 1973.In this thesis,we give a new method to study the anti-Ramsey number.Let G be a graph and?be a set of subgraphs of G.We use ArG???to denote the maximum number of colors in an edge-coloring of G with no rainbow copy in?.We construct a graph L?G,??whose vertex set V(L?G,??={G1,G2,....,Gs}and edge set E?L?G,???={f1,},where Gi??and Gi,Gj?fkif and only if Giand Gjhave a common edge in G.If every edge of graph G is related to at most two subgraphs of G in?,then we proved that ArG???=|E?G?|-|?|+M,where M is the independent cycle number of L?G,??.As the application of the theorem,we obtained some results about the anti-Ramsey number.
Keywords/Search Tags:rainbow, anti-Ramsey number, plane gragh
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